NH365 138: Going Beyond Organic Food with Joel Salatin

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Today, on the NaturalHealth365 Podcast, Jonathan Landsman talks to Joel Salatin about going “beyond organic” in our understanding about healthy food. Joel is an American farmer, lecturer, and author whose books include “Folks, This Ain’t Normal”; “You Can Farm”; and “Salad Bar Beef.” Joel raises livestock on his Polyface Farm in Swoope, Virginia, in the Shenandoah Valley. Meat from his farm is sold directly to health conscious consumers and restaurants.
The interview begins with Jonathan asking Joel about the current state of food that is being sold here in the U.S. Joel describes how huge corporations and the government are “cheating” nature.
Beyond organic: What “modern” food production fails to recognize about raising truly healthy food
Joel goes on to discuss how the chemicals that are allowed to be used in conventional “modern” farming practices destroy the complexity of the soil. He describes how the soil works hand-in-hand with other living organisms to produce the best food possible. And, how adding chemicals destroy the nutritional value of our food supply
Moving along, Jonathan warns the public about the many terrible practices of modern agriculture. Joel confirms these tactics are very harmful and contrast how he and his farm are using “nature’s template” in order to grow the most nutritious and safest food on the planet. Joel also talks about how these large corporations try to intimidate as well as discredit his philosophy and natural farming practices.
Is it really possible to feed the world with organic farming practices only?
Jonathan challenges Joel with a question on many people’s mind: “is this type of (organic, chemical free farming) practical in order to feed everyone?” Joel confirms that this is definitely a possibility.
Joel points out that food shortages are NOT really the problem, as it relates to world hunger issues. The real problem is corporate greed and distribution issues, related to politics. Joel explains how this is the first time in human history where we as humans are able to cultivate as well as produce the most amount of food.
Jonathan then asks Joel to explain how the average person could do this at home. In other words, does Joel provide education for those people interested in organic farming? The answer will surprise you.
Want to discover the many health benefits of chemical free food?
Joel talks about his many books as well as many educational programs available to help the average person get the most nutritious and natural food possible, at a reasonable price. He also gives an example of one valuable strategy centered around developing a “compost pile.” Joel explains how a compost pile benefits the soil as well as you from not having to throw out unnecessary foods.
Toward the end of the podcast, Jonathan and Joel make the connection between unhealthy people and the consumption of this chemically ridden food. Jonathan discusses how it is obvious that food is the number one contributing factor to health and when you are eating bad food you are not going to feel well.
Joel points out how poor food choices are strongly linked to inflammatory health issues and risky pregnancy outcomes. To make matter worse, large so-called “health” agencies like the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration allow for terrible food policies to destroy human health.
In conclusion, Jonathan emphasizes how the immune system is deeply affected by these toxic chemicals – used in modern agriculture. And, how these toxic substances increae the risk of bacterial and viral infections!
Joel reminds all of us that a COVID-19 infection is only dangerous if a person has compromised immunity. We must all get back to basics and feed ourselves correctly in order to protect our health.
About Joel Salatin
Joel Salatin condemns the negative impact of the United States government on his livelihood because of what he considers an increasingly regulatory approach taken toward farming. He is a self-described “Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer” producing meat he describes as “beyond organic” – which are raised using what the farm describes as environmentally responsible, ecologically beneficial and sustainable agriculture.
Joel’s 550-acre farm is featured prominently in Michael Pollan’s book, “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” (2006) and the documentary films, Food, Inc. and Fresh. Pollan became interested in Joel because of his refusal to send food to locations not within a four-hour drive of his farm, i.e. outside his local “foodshed.”
To contact Joel Salatin. – visit:
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1 Comment
Wonderful interview with Polyface Farm. I can picture all their animals doing the jobs God gave them. I especially was impressed that they don’t use vets.