NEW wireless electric vehicle technology will threaten driver and passenger health

(NaturalHealth365) With most electric vehicles requiring charging every 100 to 250 miles, engineers are scrambling to find a more ‘convenient’ wireless charging options. Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have developed a method of “on the go” wireless charging – in which charging plates would be installed in roadways, while a start-up technology company outside Philadelphia is focusing on stationary wireless charging.
Radiation from wireless systems and cell phones has already been associated with many health problems like, multiple sclerosis, cancer, infertility and cognitive problems. Natural health experts are very concerned that the high frequencies involved in wireless car charging will only add to the problem – posing a real and present danger to human health and the environment.
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In March, engineers in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering at University of Colorado Boulder announced they have developed a concept for wireless power transfer that uses very high frequencies to send energy to vehicles in motion.
The system requires the use of charging plates embedded in the road. Because cars are moving over them at a high rate of speed, engineers say that the plates – possibly located in special “charging Lanes” – would need to be installed every few meters.
The fact that there would be a 12-centimeter air gap between the roadway and the vehicle means the energy has only a small capacitance through which to be transferred. In the words of one of the researchers, this necessitated an “increase (in) the frequency of the electric fields.”
The team reported that they are using about 1,000 watts, in megahertz-scale frequencies, to send energy across the gap.
Alternate method converts magnetic waves to electricity
According to a story published in April in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Momentum Dynamics Corp. in Malvern, PA., has also developed a wireless recharging system for electric vehicles.
The system, which is already used to charge electric municipal buses in several U.S. cities, uses panels embedded in the pavement – transferring energy from the panels through the air and into the vehicles.
AC electrical current is converted to magnetic waves in the panel. A receiver mounted on the vehicle’s undercarriage ultimately converts the magnetic energy into DC electrical current that is stored in the vehicle’s battery.
The transmitter and receiver operate at 85 kHz, and are capable of charging electric vehicles roughly eight times faster than standard plug-in chargers.
Widespread adoption, of course, would necessitate a network of wireless car chargers embedded in roads and parking lots. But, are any of these developers concerned about the impact of these frequency vibrations on the human body?
Momentum Dynamics has already installed the chargers in several American cities, including Wenatchee, WA. According to a spokesperson, the Wenatchee technology uses a 200-kilowatt (200,000 watt) system.
By way of comparison, charging a smartphone requires 5 watts of power, while a laptop requires in the area of 100 watts. CEO Andy Daga calls the concept “revolutionary,” and claims that the technology can safely transmit electrical energy through air, water and ice.
“No heat or tingle” doesn’t mean it’s safe
A video intended to highlight the technology’s safety shows a person holding a working IPhone positioned between magnetic panels. The graphics on the phone’s screen are undisturbed, and the video is meant to illustrate that the phone can still make and receive calls, with “no heat or magnetic intrusion to a person’s hand or arm.”
“We’re showing it’s safe,” said Daga. “It (the technology) doesn’t give you any tingle. It doesn’t give you any heat. It doesn’t cause any damage to yourself or your phone.”
But researchers and natural health experts maintain that damage from high-frequency radiation occurs at the cellular level. In other words, the lack of sensations of heat and/or tingling does nothing to prove the system’s harmlessness.
High-frequency wireless technology is linked with rising rates of cancer
Cell phones and other wireless devices emit a form of electromagnetic field, or EMF, called radiofrequency radiation.
Researchers say ultra-high frequencies from EMFs have been associated with a variety of physical and emotional conditions, including multiple sclerosis, ADD, obesity, migraines, impaired fertility, chronic fatigue syndrome and higher rates of cancers of the brain, prostate, breast, liver, lungs and skin.
Effects from radioactive fields can be objectively measured – and include changes to neurotransmitters, breaks in DNA, increased production of free radicals and increased blood glucose.
(In fact, some doctors believe that electrosensitive individuals with high blood sugar may very well be suffering from “type 3” diabetes caused by RF radiation).
Double-blind studies have shown impacts on heart and blood pressure rates after a mere 35 minutes of cell phone activity.
And, a $25 million study by the National Toxicology Program (originally designed to prove that cell phone radiation is safe!) showed that 2G cell phone radiation causes brain cancer and DNA damage in rats.
Will wireless charging options increase the suffering of electrosensitive individuals?
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity, or electrosensitivity, is a recognized disorder, with the World Health Organization acknowledging that 3.5 percent to 5 percent of the population suffers from the syndrome when in proximity to wireless or electrical technologies such as smart meters, cell phones, laptop computers or power lines.
Symptoms – which include headache, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, depression and sleep disorders – can take three to five years to develop.
With the increased radiation emanating from charging panels and pads, the suffering of vulnerable individuals may well increase exponentially.
And here’s a truly blood-chilling fact: environmental toxicity expert Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, reports that disease-causing pathogens become more aggressive in the presence of EMFs.
“Exposure to electromagnetic fields and microwaves from cell phone radiation is driving the virulence of many of the microbes that are naturally in us,” Dr. Klinghardt warns.
Although battery-operated electric vehicles accounted for only 1 percent of the market in the United States last year, this is likely to change as more options are developed for charging them. But will wireless charging of electric vehicles also result in an increase in the (already dangerously high) amounts of radiation to which we are exposed?
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