The health benefits of juicing watermelon with the rind

watermelon-rind(NaturalHealth365) What could taste better than a cold, crunchy, delicious red ripe watermelon in the heat of the summer? But, you may be wondering, what about the green rind?

Oh, so you say it’s not meant to be eaten?  You’re probably right, but you can sure juice them!

Wait a minute: Don’t throw away the green rind of watermelon

Jay and I used to juice watermelon with its rind for many, many years, and there’s nothing more powerful than drinking watermelon juice with its rind for optimal health.  Besides the rind containing amazing nutrients, unavailable in most fruits, the rind when mixed with the watermelon, combined with ice on a hot summer day tastes so delicious!

The rind of a watermelon is spectacularly rich in mineral waters that can’t be found anywhere else. Just remember, the watermelon must be ripe. In fact, the deeper the red, the deeper the pigments – which contain the best amounts of lycopene and beta-carotene for eye health.

Watermelon rind gets doctor approval

Here’s what you’ll find in the rinds: (excerpt from Dr. Oz)

Watermelon rinds offer a high dose of L-citruline – an amino acid – which helps dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation. The easiest way to take advantage of watermelon rind health benefits is to blend a whole piece of watermelon with lime. If you like, add some fresh mint and a bit of lime juice to your juicy new watermelon rind juice and you’ll love it!

The outer periphery of watermelon rind contains an impressive concentration of nutrients.  So, I say, juice up those rinds and start enjoying those, once hidden nutrients.

Important to note: The rind of the watermelon mitigates the rush of natural sugars that you ingest when you’re either blending or juicing your organic watermelons – so this is another good reason to juice up those wonderfully, nutrient dense watermelon rinds.

Also, before you go out and buy yourself a ripe watermelon, never juice the rind unless it’s organic. God only knows what kinds of pesticides or herbicides are used to grow conventional varieties.

How do I pick a really good watermelon?

*Pick a melon that is heavier than others.

• Make sure the melon has a yellowish underbelly. This means it’s ripe.

• Look for one that is smooth but dull in color.

• Obviously, try to find only organic ones that have seeds. (They’re the most nutritious)

What are the benefits of juicing watermelon?

• Great form of hydration – especially after exercise or a sauna session.

• During menstrual time, when you feel bloated, it’s an amazing diuretic.

• Great for those with acne or breakouts on the skin.

• Valuable form of liquid – especially if you live in a dry climate like, Arizona.

• Helps to lower blood pressure.

• Useful to regulate kidney function.

• Hydrates our bodies better than water because of its natural minerals.

• Improves eye health.

Here’s one of my favorite juice recipes:

This recipe – blended or juiced – will serve 2 – 4 people.

1/2 medium-sized watermelon with rind (cut into long pieces)

1 cup fresh mint

2 limes with skin (organic only)

Follow these directions for a delicious drink.

Juice mint first, then the limes and finish off with the melon. You can add a sprig of mint on the rim of the glass for a pretty garnish.

Add some ice and you’ve got an amazing tonic.

Even if you blend these ingredients together – they are highly beneficial, and sometimes even more so, because it’s almost 100% water. The only challenge is that when you blend the rinds (fleshy part included) it can taste a bit bitter, and when you juice the rinds with the flesh of the fruit, it will taste much better.

About the author: Linda Kordich Loveday was married for 40 years to Jay Kordich, world renown health educator and the “Father of Juicing”. She is the co-author of their new book, Live Foods Live Bodies and teaches throughout the world on the ‘Powers of the Gentle Art of Foods and Juices’. For more information about Jay and Linda Kordich – visit:

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