Vitamin D levels drop due to toxic BPA found inside the human body

Vitamin D levels drop due to toxic BPA found inside the human body

(NaturalHealth365) Chemicals like bisphenol A (BPA) are already known for their danger to human health as endocrine disruptors. Now a connection has been found between endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) like BPA and reduced vitamin D levels in the bloodstream.

This is according to a study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. It is the first study of its kind of the effects of endocrine disruptors on vitamin D levels in a large group of U.S. adults.

Vitamin D warning: Why EDCs like BPA are linked to cancer, diabetes and infertility

EDCs refer to chemicals or mixtures of chemicals that can interfere with the body’s hormones and cause adverse effects to health. The Society’s Scientific Statement regarding EDCs assessed over 1,300 past studies. They determined that there were undeniable links between exposure to these toxic chemicals and health issues like obesity, infertility, diabetes, hormone-related cancers, and neurological problems.

Keep in mind: Low levels of vitamin D have also been connected to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.  In addition, we know that vitamin D is crucial to bone and muscle health. Unfortunately, nearly everyone is exposed to BPA and phthalates, another class of endocrine disruptors.  These chemicals reduce vitamin D levels and have major implications for public health.

EDCs like BPA found inside thousands of consumer products and plastics

EDCs such as BPA are found throughout the environment and in numerous plastics and everyday consumer products. Of the over 85,000 manufactured chemicals in use today, thousands fall into the class of EDCs. Phthalates are found in personal care products like cosmetics, food packaging, children’s products and medical tubes. Phthalates are also linked with hormone disruption.

The study looked at the findings from 2005 to 2010 related to 4,667 adults who did a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), a cross-sectional study of nutrition and health data from a range of U.S. adults. Participants provided blood samples and had vitamin D levels measured. They also had their urine analyzed to measure for EDC exposure and substances in the body that indicate BPA and phthalates.

Vitamin D levels in women affected even more strongly by BPA

Persons exposed to larger amounts of phthalates tended to have lower levels of bloodstream vitamin D than those exposed to smaller amounts of EDCs. This association between low vitamin D and EDCs was also stronger in women. It is believed that EDCs like BPAs alter vitamin D in the body via similar mechanisms to thyroid and reproductive hormones.

Clearly, it’s crucial to be extremely proactive in order to reduce your BPA, EDC and phthalate exposure. Always favor chemical-free cosmetics and personal care products. Use glass containers (whenever possible) instead of plastic for storing and transporting your water.

Vitamin D supplementation can also help with ensuring that bloodstream vitamin D is kept at optimal levels. While the best source of vitamin D is from the sun, taking at least 2,000 mg per day in supplement form can help with maintaining optimal levels.

Note: According to many top experts on vitamin D, taking 5,000 to 8,000 IU per day may be required to achieve optimal blood levels of vitamin D – for some individuals – depending on how deficient you are and your current health status.  For best results, consult an informed healthcare provider for guidance.


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