High dose IV vitamin C cures patient of Zika virus in three days

(NaturalHealth365) For years, natural health experts have been extolling the ability of high doses of vitamin C to fight disease safely, effectively and naturally. Now, a case study from Puerto Rico – in which a woman infected with the Zika virus recovered practically overnight after being treated with vitamin C – provides strong new evidence for the claim.
The Zika virus – which is related to yellow fever and West Nile viruses – is transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. Some people infected with the Zika virus display no signs of the disease. If and when symptoms develop, they can include fever, headache, rash, joint pain, conjunctivitis and muscle pain.
According to conventional ‘wisdom,’ there is no cure for the Zika virus – which usually resolves itself within two weeks. To alleviate symptoms, doctors often prescribe acetaminophen (which threatens the liver) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which offers plenty of negative side effects.
It’s official: High dose vitamin C stops Zika in its tracks within hours
According to the case study, a 54-year-old woman who had suffered several recent mosquito bites presented at the Berdiel Clinic in Ponce, Puerto Rico with oral blisters, fever, a rash, a headache and reddened eyes – all classic Zika symptoms. When she tested positive for the virus, doctors from University of Puerto Rico administered escalating doses of vitamin C for three days, moving from 25 to 50 to 75 grams.
Within 24 hours, the patient’s symptoms had improved dramatically, and were resolved completely by the third day. Noting that it ordinarily takes two weeks to recover from Zika, the team hailed vitamin C as “an efficient antioxidant” with “anti-viral activity,” and called for further study on vitamin C as a treatment for acute viral infections.
Finally, conventional medicine is beginning to acknowledge vitamin C’s healing powers. Click here to learn more about this suppressed study – before they remove it from the internet forever.
The amazing disease-fighting abilities of vitamin C
Vitamin C is often referred to as “a nutrient for the immune system” – an apt label. Vitamin C enhances immune function by stimulating interferon production and increasing the number and aggressiveness of infection-fighting white blood cells – namely T-cells and natural killer cells, which are the sworn enemies of viruses and bacteria. It also helps to detoxify the viral products that cause pain and inflammation.
A powerful anti-clotting agent, vitamin C also functions as an antihistamine. But its most important asset in fighting viruses may be the potency with which it scavenges reactive oxygen species – especially as recent research has highlighted the link between oxidative stress and infectious viral diseases.
With recent growing concern about the Ebola and Zika viruses, isn’t it great to know that the cure could be a safe, natural, water-soluble vitamin?
Strong case for high dose intravenous vitamin C
When vitamin C is given orally, much of it is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, with the excess being eliminated by the kidneys. The advantage of giving vitamin C intravenously is that it can then reach proper levels of plasma concentration. The doctors at Bardiel reported that amounts 30 to 70 times higher than those achieved by the oral route are necessary to activate vitamin C’s antiviral activity – which is what high dose IV vitamin C proponents have been saying all along.
Thomas E. Levy, M.D., a leading proponent of high dose vitamin C therapy for a wide range of diseases, credits the late Dr. Frederick Klenner for his pioneering work with vitamin C in the 1930s and 1940s. Dr. Klenner, who advocated giving at least 350 mg of vitamin C per kg of body weight – 25 to 30 grams for a typical adult – heralded vitamin C’s ability to successfully treat polio, influenza, multiple sclerosis, pneumonia and hepatitis.
As early as 1949, Dr. Klenner was releasing his exciting findings about vitamin C at the Annual Session of the American Medical Association. But his good news fell on deaf ears, and his work received little notice.
You can watch Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Levy discussing Dr. Klenner’s work – below:
Protect your health with regular use of vitamin C
Of course, the preventive doses recommended by Levy and Klenner far exceed the meager daily allowances advised by medical authorities – which are grossly insufficient, says Dr. Levy. The Institute of Medicine recommends a mere 90 mgs of vitamin C a day for men over 18, and 75 mg for women. According to Mayo Clinic, the recommended upper limit of vitamin C is a paltry 2,000 mgs a day.
No one, says Dr. Levy, should rely on these recommended daily dosages for vitamin C, which are good for little more than protecting against scurvy. Doses must be large enough – and taken often enough – for the vitamin to do its beneficial work of reducing oxidative stress.
Dr. Levy recommends a daily preventive dose of 6,000 to 12,000 mg (6 to 12 grams) a day for most healthy adults.
For acute infections and chronic disease, Dr. Levy advises a “Multi-C Protocol” – which includes 1 to 5 grams per day of liposome-encapsulated vitamin C, sodium ascorbate daily up to or reaching bowel tolerance, 1 to 3 grams daily of ascorbyl palmitate, and intravenous vitamin C in the form of sodium ascorbate or buffered ascorbic acid, given in the amount of 25 to 150 grams, depending on size and weight.
Of course, you should consult with a trusted healthcare provider in order to tailor an exact regimen that’s right for you.
Vitamin C success story: History repeats itself
Although the woman’s recovery from Zika is garnering current attention, her case is not unprecedented. In addition to the lifesaving vitamin C interventions engineered by Dr. Klenner in past decades, there is the case of a New Zealand man’s astonishing recovery from a near-fatal battle with swine flu – which was documented on New Zealand’s “60 Minutes” program.
Dairy farmer Allan Smith developed swine flu, which progressed into “white-out” pneumonia – a particularly dangerous form in which lungs are so full of infected fluid they can’t be seen on an X-ray. He also developed hairy cell leukemia, after which he was placed in a medically induced coma.
His condition continued to deteriorate, and doctors at Auckland Hospital were on the verge of removing him from life support when a family member convinced them to try high dose vitamin C. Within a day, Mr. Smith had improved. Within weeks, he had made a full recovery – with no sign of leukemia.
(Of course, doctors at the hospital completely denied the role of vitamin C in Smith’s miraculous recovery. Instead, they credited their own decision to suddenly place him in a “prone” position.)
Hopefully, researchers will follow through on the promise of the Berdiel team, and conventional medicine will begin to accept the truth about the astonishing potential of vitamin C to fight disease.
This safe, alternative treatment has now been found to zap Zika