Doctor used vitamin C to save almost 150 patients from certain death of sepsis

Doctor used vitamin C to save almost 150 patients from certain death of sepsis

(NaturalHealth365) Sepsis is a severe blood infection that can cause multiple organ failure. It leads to more hospital deaths than any other illness. However, new research reveals how vitamin C offers tremendous promise against this life-threatening condition.

The research out of Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Va. has proven just how powerful the right antioxidant can be against a blood infection.  Patients at high risk of death received particular benefit, and their chances of surviving the disease were greatly increased.

Stunning real-world results of vitamin C in treating sepsis

In early 2016, Dr. Paul Marik of the Sentara Norfolk General Hospital intensive care unit was treating a 48-year-old woman with severe sepsis.  This often overwhelming infection was causing her kidneys and lungs to fail.

Dr. Marik had heard of the vitamin C research out of Virginia related to treating sepsis with intravenous vitamin C. Since his patient was in danger of dying from her infection, he decided to give the vitamin C treatment a try.

He combined vitamin C with another sepsis treatment called corticosteroids and also added the vitamin thiamine. He then injected the patient with the vitamin and steroid cocktail. The patient’s condition was so grave he wasn’t hopeful; however, by the next morning she was on the road to recovery.

Vitamin C treatment reduces sepsis death rates from 30 percent to less than 1 percent

Dr. Marik began treating all of his sepsis patients with the vitamin C, thiamine and steroid infusion. After treating nearly 50 patients in this manner, he wrote up the results. Of the patients treated, only four had died – and all of these deaths were from other diseases, not sepsis.

As a comparison, of the previous 47 sepsis patients treated at that hospital, 19 had died of their infections. Marik continued treating sepsis patients with vitamin C, and after 150 patients, just one had died from their sepsis infection.

In general, around 30 percent of sepsis patients in the U.S. die from this disease. By comparison, the death rate witnessed by Dr. Marik of less than 1 percent is quite phenomenal.

Vitamin C fights infection affordably, effectively and without negative side effects

While taking vitamin C orally has been proven very effective in fighting infections and boosting immune system health, injected or intravenous vitamin C can bring a more intense infusion of the antioxidant in emergency situations. The condition of sepsis is a prime example of such an emergency. Injected or intravenous vitamin C can very rapidly assist the immune system in its response to inflammation.

Some medical professionals are cautious about these results and are awaiting further test results. However, the prospect of such an affordable, effective and readily available sepsis cure with few if any side effects is extremely exciting.


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