Our children are being sold to the pharmaceutical industry, says Del Bigtree, producer of Vaxxed

(NaturalHealth365) Vaxxed filmmaker Del Bigtree issued a heartfelt and urgent warning to those assembled in Santa Monica, California, on July 1, to protest the onset of SB277. “Be brave! Stand up! Now is your time!” Bigtree told the crowd of protesters to the California bill.
This new California State law removes parental freedom to make decisions regarding the health of their children with regard to vaccinations.
Americans need to wake up or lose their freedom of choice
Issuing a strong warning against the erosion of America’s freedom of press, Bigtree called out journalists and the media in general for staying silent on the issue of vaccine dangers and putting the country’s democracy at risk. He also called out the U.S. Congress.
Congress has failed to act, despite the Center for Disease Control’s omission of data linking autism and vaccines as revealed by whistleblower William Thompson, PhD, in 2014. Dr. Thompson has admitted that scientific fraud has been committed by the very scientists (including himself) responsible for studying the link between the MMR vaccine and autism.
Vaxxed producer warns us about tyranny
Bigtree warned that the media’s silence in the face of scientific evidence proving vaccine dangers is a sign that the country’s democracy is falling apart. “We can fall into tyranny again, we can have a Nazi Germany again if we don’t pay attention to our politicians and who is funding them,” he told onlookers.
Listen now to Del Bigtree – as he delivers one of the most powerful speeches EVER about how to protect our medical and personal freedom:
Vaccine proponents, backed by the pharmaceutical industry, have remained adamant that there be no discussion surrounding the issue. They claim that vaccine safety has already been “settled” by scientific evidence.
Bigtree tore apart that explanation, pointing out that scientists must change their conclusions as additional evidence comes to light. “Science is never settled, especially for you journalists that stand up and fight when you see someone on death row and a new witness steps forward, or new forensic evidence becomes available. We all stand up and say, ‘This trial must begin again. We must reopen this story and save this innocent victim that’s about to die,’” Bigtree told the crowd.
“Where are you now, when we have a new witness in Dr. William Thompson?” he asked. “Brand new forensic evidence. Ten thousand documents proving that the CDC has lied to the American people and the entire world. Where are you fighting for truth? Where are you asking the questions?” Bigtree repeatedly called on the crowd to “be brave,” and stand up for the truth.
Preliminary injunction provides small victory, but children’s health remains hostage
Toward the end of his speech, the crowd erupted into cheers when Bigtree waved a document in the air and proclaimed that moments earlier, he had received word that a preliminary injunction had been filed against SB277. Slated to go into effect July 1st, the bill takes away the rights of parents who want to delay, postpone, and selectively vaccinate their children.
“Our children are being sold to the pharmaceutical industry. We are being enslaved. And we are standing here now together, against SB277,” Bigtree shouted to the enthusiastic crowd.
SB277 also took away the rights of parents who do not want to vaccinate their children due to religious or health reasons. If this law is enforced, California will become one of the few states that denies medical freedom and parental choice.
The U.S. gives more vaccines than any other country, with current recommendation for 71 doses compared with Denmark’s recommended 28 doses. In addition to giving out the most vaccines, the U.S. has the highest rate of infant mortality.
Bigtree called out the bill’s co-author and champion, Senator Richard Pan, as well as California Governor Jerry Brown and other elected officials. “You know these vaccines are destroying our children and you must halt this horrific law,” Bigtree told the crowd. “You cannot take our freedom in this moment and put our children in harm’s way. We are coming after you, we are fighting for freedom and we are going to be brave!”