California doctor on probation for giving vaccine exemption to child who had an adverse reaction to vaccines

(NaturalHealth365) Did you know, with the 2016 passage of SB277 in California, parents have lost the right to refuse vaccines for their children on personal or religious grounds? The only remaining legal pathway for refusal is to obtain a medical exemption from a physician. And, that’s a hard exemption to obtain.
The penalty for not complying with the mandated vaccinations, of course, is loss of the child’s right to receive a free and appropriate education in public and private K-12 schools (talk about strong-arm tactics!)
As a result, parents who don’t want their children injected willy-nilly with known toxins must now seek out sympathetic doctors who can provide an exemption. Yet, the California Medical Board has chosen to “punish” one of these doctors – for what the board says is improper writing of a medical exemption.
Make no mistake – this is a “warning shot fired across the bow” to doctors who try to stand up for their young patients. What you’re about to read is truly a disturbing commentary about what’s happening to our medical freedom rights.
Noted vaccine rights physician Dr. Bob Sears threatened with loss of license and receives almost three years of probation – after issuing exemption from vaccines
On June 27, 2018, the Medical Board of California ordered 35 months of probation for Orange County pediatrician Dr. Bob Sears, a leading voice in the vaccine rights community.
The complaint revolved around a note Dr. Sears had written exempting a 2-year-old from all childhood vaccinations.
The boy’s mother had visited Dr. Sears requesting a medical exemption for her son, reporting that a previous vaccination had made the child go limp and caused him to lose urinary function. Dr. Sears accepted the mother’s account, and wrote a note without obtaining the child’s medical history or record of past vaccines.
Dr. Sears was accused of “deviating from the standard of care” by not obtaining the “basic information needed for decision-making” in writing the exemption.
The board – which had originally threatened to revoke Dr. Sears’ medical license – claimed that his actions exposed both mother and child to “infections.”
Dr. Sears may still practice medicine during his probation – but must be supervised by a colleague, and is not himself permitted to supervise physician assistants or nurse practitioners. He also is required to take an ethics class, along with 40 hours of medical education courses for each year of probation.
The author of “The Vaccine Book,” Dr. Sears received national attention in 2015 for stating in a CNN interview that 3,000 to 4,500 severe reactions to vaccines are reported every year through the Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System.
(This is, of course, in stark contrast to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) party line – which holds that vaccine side effects are “mild” and serious effects “very rare.”)
A doctor’s defense: “Listening to parents is our job!”
In a statement on his Facebook page, Dr. Sears completely denied any wrongdoing, and elaborated on the events at the heart of the complaint.
He pointed out that the child’s medical records were not immediately available (obtaining them ultimately took over a year). Time was of the essence, reported Dr. Sears, as the mother feared that an imminent court judgment would compel her to have her child vaccinated.
Dr. Sears noted that it is his job to listen to – and believe – parents when they report on their children. (“Isn’t that what we DO?” he asked in his Facebook post.) Taking the mother at her word, he assessed the child’s previous vaccine reaction as “moderate-to-severe,” and wrote the exemption.
Sears said he was alarmed to see “any medical board questioning exemptions….given to families who have suffered severe vaccine reactions.”
He added that the medical board has four more improper vaccine exemption cases pending against him.
“It seems there is an attempt to keep me on probation for the rest of my medical career,” Dr. Sears noted.
Public and legal pressure to vaccinate is increasing
Vaccine proponents expressed satisfaction with the decision, with The LA Times quoting one vaccine supporter as saying she hoped the punishment would “give doctors pause” and make them “think twice” before writing medical exemptions without verifying medical records.
Dr. Sears is not the only doctor who has drawn the displeasure of the Medical Board of California.
According to The LA Times, over 50 complaints have been filed by the board for writing improper exemptions. (Although about half of these cases have been closed with no disciplinary action, half are still pending – and, given the current punitive mood, it’s anyone’s guess what the punishment will be).
And is it just coincidence that Alan Phillips, J.D., the leading vaccine rights attorney in the country, is currently the victim of what natural health advocates and vaccine critics call a “witch hunt?”
The North Carolina State Bar has filed a lawsuit in order to force Phillips to turn over years of his clients’ files – or else risk being jailed for civil contempt.
To read more about the case – and sign a petition – visit this link.
Dr. Sears: “The very existence of this case should concern all Americans”
SB277 is already one of the harshest inoculation laws in the country. But, in an attempt to push mandatory vaccinations, authorities seem prepared to go even further.
The penalty exacted against Dr. Sears by the Medical Board of California may be evidence of a disturbing new trend: making public examples of doctors in order to frighten others into compliance.
If this tactic succeeds, it could become virtually impossible for a child to get a medical exemption – even if the child has been injured by a vaccine.
But Dr. Sears, for one, is not giving up.
In his Facebook post, which has already garnered over 5,000 comments from supporters, Dr. Sears pledged to fight against mandatory vaccination laws – “until they are no more.”
As Dr. Sears points out, there are risks involved with both vaccination and non-vaccination. It is essential, says Dr. Sears, that every family has access to “full, complete and un-doctored” information regarding the respective risks.
“More doctors need to stand up for their patients…I’m going to continue to stand for these children,” Dr. Sears vowed.
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