N.Y. Supreme Court overturns measles ban on unvaccinated minors, a victory for medical freedom

(NaturalHealth365) In the continued attempt to silence and strong-arm anyone who questions the efficacy and safety of vaccines, we are inundated with examples of injustice and unfair treatment from doctors, the media, and public officials alike.
We reported on a prime example of this recently when Rockland County N.Y. officials took a step back to the Dark Ages by instituting a “measles ban,” prohibiting unvaccinated children and teenagers from public places. With a guarded breath of relief, we can now report that this ban has been overturned.
New ‘policy’ about vaccines stopped: New York Supreme Court overturns measles ban which prohibited unvaccinated kids from parks, schools and libraries
“Arbitrary and capricious.” We couldn’t have used better words to describe a New York State ban proposed last month that would prevent unvaccinated children and teens from entering public spaces, including (but not limited to) restaurants, buses, libraries, shopping centers and schools.
Rockland County executive Ed Day and other officials attempted to pass the ban after declaring a “state of emergency,” citing an “outbreak” of measles in the area. Violators of the ban would face a misdemeanor charge punishable by $500 and up to 6 months in jail.
There were no religious exceptions to the 30-day ban, causing many to accuse Day and supporters of the ban as being anti-Semitic, given the large presence of the ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jewish community within the county.
Now in breaking news, the Supreme Court of New York State has overturned this fledgling and ill-conceived ban.
Anti-Semitism and fear-mongering are behind this ridiculous ban – thank goodness some public officials have kept their senses
After the ban was rightly challenged by Rockland County parents – many of whom are likely aware of the data linking childhood vaccines to a range of serious health consequences and adverse reactions – N.Y. Supreme Court Justice Rolf Thorsen stood by them. He stopped the ban, calling it (as mentioned) “arbitrary and capricious.”
He also called into question the so-called “health emergency” that Rockland County officials were trying to stir up. The simple logic? 166 reported cases of measles in a community with at least 330,000 people fails to meet the legal requirement of an epidemic.
Plus, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that only 1 person has died from measles in over a decade – however 80,000 have passed away from the flu just last year – so why no call for a “flu ban?”
Justice Thorsen also stated that emergency bans cannot last longer than 5 days. This was blatantly ignored by Rockland County officials, who wanted a 30-day ban.
Aside from the rise in localized anti-semitic thoughts this ban created, it also posed a sticky and obvious problem which tipped dangerously toward discrimination and violation of privacy. That is: how were business owners and others even supposed to know who has a vaccine and who doesn’t? And how would the “ban” actually be enforced?
We’re happy to see this ban go. We know that the fight for the rights of parents who decide to not vaccinate their children still has a long way to go. But we’re hopeful to see such reason prevail in situations like this.
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