USDA killing kittens for medical experiments, congressman calls for investigation

USDA killing kittens for medical experiments, congressman calls for investigation

(NaturalHealth365) Are you opposed to animal testing? If so, you’ll be horrified to discover that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has been doing disgusting food research with kittens and ending their lives – right after the study. This information was revealed recently and is causing outrage nationwide.

The experiments involve breeding hundreds of kittens, feeding them parasite-infested raw meat for several weeks and running tests on their waste. After the research, the kittens are killed through incineration. Congressman Mike Bishop of Michigan has sent a letter to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue calling for an investigation into this ghastly revelation.

The USDA has been using kittens in testing of GMOs and food supply contamination since 1982

The USDA admits there is no reason to execute the animals, as they are still healthy at the end of even such a disgusting study. However, they are being killed anyway. In his letter, Congressman Bishop asks why the kittens wouldn’t be put up for adoption instead. Animals should not have to be murdered as part of testing related to the food supply, vaccines or GMO foods.

He goes on to express that he is both shocked and disturbed that an organization tasked with enforcing animal rights and welfare laws would treat animals in this way. He points out that the experiments themselves are costly, inefficient and dubious in both their motives and results.

The kittens are essentially seen as disposable, and the USDA is engaging in practices and methods that most taxpayers oppose.  Even more alarming is the revelation that this type of research has been conducted since as far back as 1982, with up to 100 kittens killed annually for various “research” projects.

The USDA has responded by saying that this is a “serious overestimation.” However, the Detroit news reported that these facts were taken directly from a May 2015 internal document. Their methods were described as an official protocol for animal testing.

By the way, the same document stated that around 300 cats would be experimented on in this way during a three-year period.

The USDA kills millions of other animals via their Wildlife Services department

Testing proponents say these methods are allowing the USDA to develop a toxoplasmosis vaccine.

Apparently, cats are the only animals that can produce Toxoplasma eggs. However, other more compassionate scientists have been working on developing alternatives so that they don’t have to resort to animal cruelty in the name of science.

The USDA has already had its share of controversy throughout the years. They have refused to enforce organic livestock standards, and their Wildlife Services department has been called out repeatedly for reckless, indiscriminate tactics that kill wildlife.

USDA policies regarding GMO foods and pesticides (like, glyphosate) in our food supply are also far too lax.

In 2016, it’s reported that the USDA killed 2.7 million wild animals in the name of “controlling populations.” In 2015, 3.2 million were put to death.  Firearms, snares, poisoning and leg-hold traps are some of the methods used.

It’s time: The USDA must be held accountable

Unfortunately, special interest groups such as ranchers are likely the reason behind the agency’s choices. Many ‘unintentional’ animal killings also take place, including a rare gray wolf killed in a cyanide-spray trap intended for coyotes.

The USDA must be held accountable for its unacceptable policies including mistreatment of animals.

Add your name to a petition calling for the immediate halting of kitten extermination.

You can also voice your opinion by contacting the USDA directly.

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