New York county bans unvaccinated minors from public places plus threatens parents with prosecution

(NaturalHealth365) The effort to pressure people into receiving vaccinations is accelerating at a rate unlike any other time in human history. In addition, in recent weeks, social media platforms have made a concerted effort to censor posts highlighting the truth about harmful vaccine side effects. And, now, Rockland County of New York says ‘unvaccinated minors should be banned’ from going out into public – if they have not received the MMR vaccine.
While law enforcement will not be asking to see vaccination records, if families are determined to be in violation, they will have to face the state district attorney. Violations will be punishable with a $500 fine and up to six months in jail.
This certainly looks like hysterical behavior – especially when you consider that around 72 percent of young people (under the age of 18 in Rockland County) have been vaccinated.
Unvaccinated minors banned from public places because their parents don’t believe drug industry propaganda
The county had to declare a ‘state of emergency’ lasting 30 days after over 100 cases of measles were diagnosed. While persons who can demonstrate confirmed medical reasons for not being vaccinated are exempt from the ban from public places, religious beliefs are not an acceptable reason.
The Rockland Health Department is holding free vaccination clinics for residents. But, many residents want nothing to do with this kind of ‘free healthcare.’
“Public places” are defined as anywhere people gather for “social or civic reasons.” Yet, outdoor areas are not included.
For the record: measles outbreaks have been occurring in New York state since October of 2018 with about 275 cases confirmed by the early March 2019. An additional 15 states have reported 314 cases of measles so far in 2019.
The stated reason for this aggressive vaccination campaign is a “dangerous measles outbreak.” One has to wonder what they consider ‘dangerous.’
Mainstream media claims measles cases have increased due to “fears spread by anti-vaccine activists.” However, before the MMR vaccine existed, the typically mild disease was viewed as a sort of rite of passage for children, much like chickenpox.
It should be noted that: contrary to the propaganda, death from measles is very rare.
A real health risk: Measles vaccine side effects include brain inflammation and seizures
Those who contract measles and recover then have a natural immunity to the disease for the rest of their lives. By contrast, the measles vaccine does not guarantee complete and lifelong immunity.
Additionally, since the vaccine contains the live virus, the shot has been linked with causing the disease – in many recipients.
The MMR vaccine has been associated with a number of troubling reactions and vaccine side effects, including brain inflammation, seizures, thrombocytopenia, encephalopathy, gastrointestinal disorders, nerve pain and much more. There have been well over a thousand claims filed related to MMR vaccine injuries.
Undeniable truth: Many vaccines are more harmful than the disease itself
This is clear evidence of an extremely dangerous trend to take away medical freedom of choice by mandating vaccines. Recent censorship efforts and leveling consequences at those who refuse vaccines amounts to a coordinated attack against our ability to make informed personal choices about our healthcare.
Consumers are deliberately misled into believing vaccines will ‘save them,’ when – in reality – many vaccines are more dangerous than the disease itself. All we ask is that politicians (and medical professionals) support policies that allow us to make informed decisions.
None of us should be forced to take a medication or medical procedure – against our will.
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