Fat “over-spills” from the liver can trigger type 2 diabetes, new study

(NaturalHealth365) According to the American Diabetes Association, more than 30 million Americans had some type of diabetes in 2015. Unfortunately, more than 7 million individuals with diabetes had not yet been diagnosed. In addition, every year, around 1.5 million people in the United States are diagnosed with diabetes, and the disease continues to be the 7th leading cause of death within this country. Today, we’ll focus on a big reason why type 2 diabetes is on the rise.
Researchers are consistently studying the condition to determine the actual causes of the disease that costs billions of dollars each year in medical costs and reduced productivity. Recently, and for the first time, scientists discovered through observing individuals with type 2 diabetes that fat over-spill from the liver is a confirmed trigger of this chronic disease.
Editor’s note: This is not to say that dietary “fat” (alone) is the problem. But, toxic fat combined with consuming too many toxins will cause blood sugar issues like prediabetes and diabetes. For more information about how to protect your health – be sure to register now for the Fatty Liver Docu-Class, hosted by yours truly Jonathan Landsman. Click here for access today!
Excess fat in the liver and pancreas causes type 2 diabetes
A study published in Cell Metabolism, an academic journal, took a look at individuals who had previously developed type 2 diabetes but were able to reverse the condition by losing weight as part of a Diabetes UK funded DiRECT trial. While most of these individuals stayed non-diabetic through this two-year study, a few of them regained the weight they had lost and developed type 2 diabetes again. Via blood monitoring and advanced scanning techniques, researchers were able to make some startling discoveries.
When an individual begins accumulating too much fat, usually fat is stored beneath the skin. But when there’s no more room beneath the skin, fat is stored in the liver.
Eventually it begins spilling over to the rest of the body, which includes the pancreas. The excess fat clogs the pancreas – which interferes with the genes that deal with the production of insulin, resulting in type 2 diabetes. According to researchers, this information simplifies the condition significantly and increases the hope for remission.
Fatty liver and poor liver function also linked to diabetes
Other studies have come to similar conclusions, with studies suggesting that fatty liver is an independent risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Previous research showed that 80% of patients with diabetes have fat in the liver as well, a finding that began to clue researchers in to the fact that this connection between fatty liver and type 2 diabetes is not a coincidence.
Keep in mind: the liver plays an important role in helping the body regulate blood sugars, and when fat builds up in your liver, it’s tougher to control blood sugar levels and can lead to insulin resistance.
The good thing about discovering how fat over-spill can cause type 2 diabetes is that it gives greater hope for the reversal of the condition. With diet, exercise, and persistence, if patients are able to lose the excess fat, it often results in the reversal of the disease.
For example, one way to help “dissolve” accumulated fat inside the body is to eat a small amount of diakon, a mild-flavored winter radish, every day. Naturally, there are many other nutritional strategies that can help you to detoxify the body and stabilize your blood sugar.
Bottom line: the sooner diabetes is recognized and patients begin working to lose excess fat, the more likely they are to achieve great results.
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