Lyme disease predicted to surge in 2017, experts warn

(NaturalHealth365) Lyme disease has become a serious health concern. And, that’s because the tick season was pretty bad in 2016, but ecologists believe it will be even worse in 2017. They have determined this not by looking at deer – which are widely assumed to be the main carrier – but the mice population.
You see, the Northeast in particular experienced what experts call a “mice plague” – which indicates the 2017 tick situation could be quite severe.
Just one mouse can have 50 or more ticks living on it. Mice are carriers of Lyme disease, but are not affected by it. They pass the Lyme pathogen on to 95 percent of the deer ticks that feed on them, which in turn pass the disease on to deer, pets and humans as well as other wild animals.
Time is of the essence when treating Lyme disease
Lyme disease is transmitted into the bloodstream through a tick bite. Be aware: symptoms of Lyme disease begin as a rash, headache, fatigue and fever, and (sometimes) can be treated successfully with antibiotics. Of course, it’s always best to work with a trusted, healthcare provider that can rebuild your intestinal tract (with probiotics) – if and when antibiotics are used.
Treating Lyme disease early is key; if the symptoms of Lyme disease aren’t detected and treated right away, the disease can spread to the joints, muscles, nervous system and heart.
Lyme disease cases have tripled since the 1990s all across the U.S., but the majority of cases (95 percent) occur in 12 Northeastern states plus Minnesota and Wisconsin. Warmer winters are one of the top causes of increased tick populations, as the milder conditions make it easier for ticks to survive. Warmer weather also contributes to ticks expanding their habitat as well as an increase in the deer population.
The more hosts available for the ticks, the easier it is for them to thrive.
You can take the following steps to help reduce your chances of contracting Lyme disease:
Tick-Proof Your Yard. Keep grass cut short (ticks love tall grass) and put in a natural barrier around the perimeter such as gravel or wood chips.
Wear Long Sleeves. Ticks are often found on the stomach and in the arm pits, so dress accordingly and cover these areas when you go out.
Use Repellent. When you or your pets spend time in nature, apply tick repellent. Use one made with natural ingredients such as essential oils instead of one with DEET or other harsh chemicals.
Do Regular Checks. Thoroughly check yourself and your pets daily for ticks.
If you or a pet are bitten, don’t panic; remember that not all ticks carry Lyme disease, and the pathogen won’t be transmitted for 24 to 36 hours. Use tweezers to remove it, taking care that the head is not left inside you. Applying heat near the tick can sometimes get it to back out on its own.
Save the tick in a plastic bag to be tested for Lyme disease later. Keep an eye out for the symptoms of Lyme disease. Treating Lyme disease successfully IS possible, but you should be vigilant and proactive if you suspect you’ve been exposed.
Editor’s note: Did you know that if you’re exposed to a tick carrying Lyme – you may or may NOT get Lyme disease, depending on the strength of your immune system.
Click here to find out how to strengthen your immune system and lower your risk of disease at the Immune Defense Summit.