Premature death risk INCREASES for Parkinson’s disease patients exposed to a widely-used herbicide

(NaturalHealth365) We’ve reported many times before about the prevalence of a harmful environmental toxin known as glyphosate – a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide – contaminating everything from orange juice to popular breakfast cereals. And time and again, research has shown this dangerous weed killer ingredient can lead to serious adverse effects including cancerous tumor growth and hormonal dysfunction.
Now, a breaking study has revealed a serious concern for people living with a common neurodegenerative disease.
Toxin WARNING for people living with Parkinson’s disease: Popular weed killer ingredient increases the risk of premature death
The study in question, published in the December 2018 volume of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, looked at public mortality records in the state of Washington between the years of 2011-2015. Data analysis revealed that individuals living with Parkinson’s disease who were exposed to the toxin, glyphosate were 33% more likely to die an early death compared to people with Parkinson’s who weren’t exposed.
The study’s authors offer a sobering reminder: glyphosate is “the world’s most heavily applied herbicide” and an active ingredient in the popular weed killer, Roundup®.
The researchers simply don’t mince words when it comes to this toxin. They concluded that glyphosate “has shown to be associated with the odds of premature mortality from [Parkinson’s disease].”
Now, the means of toxin exposure the researchers were assessing was residental proximity to agricultural land-use, such as living near crop lands. But remember: NaturalHealth365 has already reported on damning evidence showing that glyphosate is found in hundreds of conventional foods lining our grocery shelves with an unwanted toxin.
Given how prevalent these types of foods are in the Standard American Diet (SAD), it’s not hard to surmise that people with Parkinson’s disease (or even a genetic predisposition for it) are putting their health at serious risk if they choose to eat these conventional foods.
Why we should make every effort to AVOID glyphosate exposure
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative illness that affects the central nervous system. It leads to a variety of debilitating symptoms, including tremors, rigidity, slow movement, and difficulties with balance and gait. And, while (conventionally speaking) Parkinson’s is not curable, the disease is managable – with no small thanks to a healthy and active lifestyle.
But the fact that an exposure to glyphosate has now been hown to increase the risk of early death from Parkinson’s disease is a significant finding – one that could have widespread ramifications.
Why? The prevalence of Parkinson’s disease is rapidly rising, according to a recent study published by the Parkinson’s Foundation. In fact, based on current U.S. Census Bureau projections, the number of people expected to be living with Parkinson’s disease by the year 2030 will be as high as 1,238,000 – over a 20% increase compared to the estimated 1 million people living with it today.
So, while ALL of us would do well to avoid conventionally grown foods, people living with Parkinson’s disease (as well as people with a family history of it) now have an extra reason to reduce their exposure to harmful herbicides and other environmental toxins.
How do we do this? Choose organic, locally grown, and REAL foods whenever possible, boost your diet with healthy supplements like, vitamin C and D, and treat conventional, mass-marketed, long-shelf-life foods with the suspicion they deserve.
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