WARNING: How toxic chemicals inside the home can increase complications of COVID-19

(NaturalHealth365) Is it possible that our immune systems are being hacked by the toxic chemicals in our homes? And do these toxic chemicals increase complications of COVID-19?
Yes, it’s quite possible!
Scientists agree that long-term exposure to air pollution increases the risk of diabetes, hypertension, asthma and coronary artery disease – four of the biggest underlying health risks associated with COVID-19. But there are hazardous chemicals right inside our own home – the “safe” place that we’ve been told to shelter since the start of the global pandemic –that might be affecting our immune system’s defense against COVID-19.
The unseen dangers of synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals inside our home
Toxic endocrine disrupting chemicals lurk everywhere. They’re found in food, food packaging, non-stick pans, cosmetics (nail polish, hairspray), fragrances, cleaning products, plastic packages, and children’s toys. And that’s just the beginning.
Common endocrine disrupting chemicals include bisphenol A (BPA), which is used in the production of certain plastics; Phthalates, which is a plasticizer chemical found in toys, plastic wrap, and fragrance; and PFAS (otherwise known as” forever chemicals”), a family of fluorinated compounds that include more than 4,700 chemicals, and which are said to contaminate the drinking water of over 100 million Americans nationwide.
These hazardous chemicals affect our endocrine system by interfering with our hormones’ normal functions. The endocrine system plays an important role in development, metabolism and reproduction, and when these chemicals increase the production of certain hormones and decrease production of others, the body’s normal functioning is scrambled, resulting in a panoply of adverse effects and health conditions.
Studies have linked endocrine disrupting chemicals to cancer, thyroid disease, birth defects, developmental disorders, raised infertility rates, and lowered IQs, among other heath conditions.
Moreover, bisphenol A (BPA) has been found in the laboratory to increase the body’s release of a molecule called interleukin-6, which is believed to play a role in ravaging the lungs of COVID-19 patients.
It’s unclear how much endocrine disrupting chemicals are increasing the threat of COVID-19, but what’s crystal-clear is how dangerous these toxic chemicals are to our immune systems, contributing to an increase of disease and disability.
How to prevent contaminants from attacking the immune system
As the EPA and FDA continually bow to the economic pressure of big corporations, failing to protect the American people from known toxic ingredients and materials, we need to be our own healthcare advocates and orchestrate long-term lifestyle changes.
By limiting the exposure to everyday hormone disrupting chemicals we can boost our immune system and better fight off the negative effects of viruses and infections.
How can we limit the exposure to these types of toxic chemicals? Start by:
- Frequently washing your hands
- Dusting and vacuuming often
- Purifying the tap water, if you use it for cooking, showering or drinking
- Avoiding the use of plastics, cans, and fragrances
- Steering clear of plastic food containers
- Cutting back on the consumption of “fast” (junk) foods
- Avoiding the use of non-stick pans
- Reading all ingredient labels (if you don’t understand it, don’t buy it)
While it might be nearly impossible to avoid all the dangerous synthetic chemicals that lurk throughout our daily lives, we can make our homes a safer place. Just start by taking one lifestyle action step at a time. And, enjoy the process!
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