The strong link between glutathione deficiency and unwanted health issues

glutathione-issue(NaturalHealth365)  More than 100 different health problems – including joint and skin pain, blood sugar imbalances, and gut disorders – have an autoimmune component that turns into the immune system attacking the body’s organs, tissues, and cells.   A major cause of all this pain and suffering is the ever-increasing barrage of environmental toxins and stressors depleting our bodies’ stores of glutathione. (often referred to as GSH)

Important point:  Research has shown that people suffering from an autoimmune condition virtually always have low levels of GSH.  Conversely, having optimal levels of this “master antioxidant” can help modulate immune system reactions and reduce the risk of problems.

Step one: What is the purpose of glutathione (GSH)?

Glutathione, the body’s most powerful antioxidant, is a powerful detoxifier that binds to toxins and helps eliminate them.  GSH is critical for immune function and for controlling inflammation and oxidative damage.

Proper GSH activity modulates cell proliferation and protects mitochondria, the cells’ “powerhouses.”  It also helps to promote peak physical functioning while increasing muscle tone and stamina.

Don’t forget: the body’s ability to prevent – and recover from – chronic health issues depends on its ability to produce and maintain high levels of this life-sustaining molecule.

GSH is synthesized in the body from the amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamine.  While the body produces lavish amounts in youthful years, glutathione levels tend to decline as a normal part of the aging process.

Keep in mind that many factors drain GSH from the body, including pharmaceutical drugs, environmental pollutants, hormonal imbalances, lack of sleep, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and alcohol use.

Reduce the risk of immune system “flare-ups”

Glutathione exists in the body in two forms: reduced GSH and oxidized GSH.

Reduced glutathione is the form that actively combats free radicals.  However, in the process, it gains an extra unpaired electron and becomes unstable, turning into oxidized glutathione.

An enzyme known as glutathione reductase triggers the conversion back to its usable form.

Many natural health experts maintain that oxidized glutathione must be recycled back into reduced glutathione to manage autoimmune disorders.  In fact, studies have shown that promoting glutathione recycling helps regulate the immune system, reduce the autoimmune response, promote tissue recovery, and even heal “leaky gut.”

In order to boost healthy glutathione recycling, the first order of business is to reduce the stressors that threaten glutathione levels.

Some steps you may need to take include balancing blood sugar levels, addressing food intolerances, reducing your exposure to environmental toxins and pesticides, managing adrenal function, re-balancing the gut microbiome, and adopting an organic diet.

Of course, it’s wise to consult with a holistic physician or health coach to help you decide.

Selected supplements and natural compounds can enhance the body’s ability to recycle glutathione

You can support glutathione recycling with N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), a biologically available form of cysteine that is rapidly turned into intracellular glutathione.  Cell studies have shown that pretreatment with NAC raises glutathione levels in older cells while helping to reduce cell death.

Alpha-lipoic acid helps to reverse depletion of glutathione that can occur as a result of stress, while the amino acid glutamine – a precursor to glutathione – can boost levels as well.

Cordyceps, a medicinal fungus commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine, has been shown to protect cells by engaging the GSH enzyme cycle.

In addition, studies have shown that an herb known as gotu kola (or Centella asiatica) can increase levels of GSH peroxidase.

Finally, milk thistle extract can increase GSH recycling and help improve the ratios of reduced to oxidized GSH.

Promote glutathione recycling with natural nutrients

Eating moderate amounts of organic Brazil nuts, sardines, cage-free eggs, grass-fed beef, and spinach can raise levels of selenium, an antioxidant trace mineral essential for GSH recycling.

Natural health experts also recommend organic, undenatured bio-active whey protein – a great source of cysteine – to enhance GSH production and recycling.

Eating plentiful amounts of sulfur-containing foods, such as organic broccoli, garlic, onions, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and kale, can decrease oxidative stress and boost glutathione levels.

Foods rich in B-complex vitamins, such as 100% grass-fed beef liver, organic pinto beans, lentils, and garbanzo beans, can aid the methylation process, which is essential to the production and recycling of GSH.

Naturally, foods rich in vitamin C – like organic oranges, bell peppers, and strawberries – help convert oxidized GSH to its active form.  And vitamin E – found in organic sunflower seeds and spinach – preserves enzymes that protect glutathione.

In addition to helping to alleviate autoimmune conditions, GSH can be instrumental in helping to prevent blood sugar issues and neurodegenerative problems.

It is difficult to think of a substance that is more vital to human health.  Glutathione is simply too important to take for granted, and preserving and protecting it can pay off in major health ways.

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