FASCINATING research finds link between gut bacteria and social behavior
(NaturalHealth365) Are you a loner – or a crowd lover? New research … FASCINATING research finds link between gut bacteria and social behavior
(NaturalHealth365) Are you a loner – or a crowd lover? New research … FASCINATING research finds link between gut bacteria and social behavior
(NaturalHealth365) It might be a little disturbing to learn that trillions of … “Indisputable” conclusion: Breakthrough study confirms gut bacteria imbalances are linked to Alzheimer’s disease
(NaturalHealth365) Having a healthy gut goes far beyond ensuring you have bowel … GREAT news: Improving gut health enhances wellbeing in more ways than you think
(NaturalHealth365) Insomnia, difficulty in falling or staying asleep, is a common – … Fix your sleep troubles by improving your gut microbiome
(NaturalHealth365) There is nothing particularly attractive or healthful-sounding about the phrase “gut … Want a BETTER immune system? Find out what integrative physicians tout as the “key to success”
(NaturalHealth365) When the first diet sodas appeared on the U.S. market back … Diet sodas increase type 2 diabetes by altering the gut microbiome, study warns
(NaturalHealth365) We sometimes use the words “gut instinct” to refer to a … Why improving gut health should be a NUMBER ONE priority
(NaturalHealth365) Many people use artificial sweeteners as a substitute for sugar not … The ‘bitter’ TRUTH: Artificial sweeteners trigger glucose intolerance and destroy your health, according to many experts
(NaturalHealth365) In a common misconception, many people think of the flu as … Avoid the flu and common cold symptoms by consuming these probiotics
(NaturalHealth365) Breast milk is extremely rich in nourishing compounds for the developing … Attention doctors: Surprising benefits of probiotics when taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding
(NaturalHealth365) Rates of chronic disease have skyrocketed in the United States in … Glyphosate has adverse effects on gut bacteria essential to human health
(NaturalHealth365) Evidence of the importance of gut bacteria for immune system health … Why probiotics are needed for disease prevention as we age