Protect your brain health by increasing dietary intake of THIS nutrient
(NaturalHealth365) Dementia and other brain disorders are more than just health concerns … Protect your brain health by increasing dietary intake of THIS nutrient
(NaturalHealth365) Dementia and other brain disorders are more than just health concerns … Protect your brain health by increasing dietary intake of THIS nutrient
(NaturalHealth365) Hearty meat-like mushrooms provide a savory flavor to enhance any protein … Nature’s brain boosters: Discover how THESE 3 mushrooms can keep your brain sharp
(NaturalHealth365) Social isolation, “the absence or near absence of social connections or … NEW STUDY shows social isolation harms brain health, increases risk of dementia
(NaturalHealth365) With its disabling loss of cognition, judgment, and memory, dementia is … Brand-new research suggests high-fiber foods reduce dementia risk
(NaturalHealth365) For the 6.2 million Americans currently affected by Alzheimer’s disease, the … Can exercise slow mental aging? The answer may surprise you
(NaturalHealth365) Alzheimer’s disease, a neurodegenerative condition that impairs memory and cognitive abilities, … Wow! New study shows ginger combats Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairment
(NaturalHealth365) The “graying of America” has led to soaring rates of Alzheimer’s … Medicinal food combats Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, new study reveals
(NaturalHealth365) Sleep benefits every aspect of your health. So, the fact that … Bad sleep has SERIOUS consequences: Discover what happens to your brain in just ONE night
(NaturalHealth365) Giovanni Papini famously said, “Breathing is the greatest pleasure in life.” … Air pollution linked to dementia in YOUNG brains, under 30 years of age
(NaturalHealth365) The first signs of dementia are subtle: irritability, short-temperedness, and small … Scientific BOMBSHELL: How lifestyle changes alter your risk of dementia
(NaturalHealth365) Ah, retirement. It’s something that we all look forward to. Endless … 3 ways to avoid cognitive decline post-retirement
(NaturalHealth365) Can we really prevent life-shattering illnesses such as dementia with natural … Defeat dementia naturally with some of the best nutrition on Earth, research confirms