Prevent age-related cognitive decline with this powerful superfood
(NaturalHealth365) Blueberry has long been known as a superfood loaded with vitamins, … Prevent age-related cognitive decline with this powerful superfood
(NaturalHealth365) Blueberry has long been known as a superfood loaded with vitamins, … Prevent age-related cognitive decline with this powerful superfood
(NaturalHealth365) Could a plump, little blueberry really hold colossal promise in the … Nature’s brain warriors: Could blueberries hold the key to slowing cognitive decline
(NaturalHealth365) One of the foundational causes of disease, aging, low lifespan, and … Blueberries offer cancer-protective benefits that can also increase your lifespan
(NaturalHealth365) According to recent estimates, over 5.8 million Americans are currently living … Protect your brain and heart: Why you should be eating MORE anthocyanins
(NaturalHealth365) With their lustrous indigo color and sweet-but-tart taste, ripe blueberries are … Can this berry truly protect YOU from heart disease and type 2 diabetes?
(NaturalHealth365) Cancer – second only to heart disease as a leading cause … “It’s in the diet:” How to LOWER the risk of cancer cell growth and brain damage
(NaturalHealth365) Metabolic syndrome makes the “who’s who list” of bad health conditions, … Improve cholesterol levels and blood vessel function by eating the right amount of blueberries
(NaturalHealth365) As our population continues to age and the rates of dementia … 13 health benefits of blueberries that can’t be ignored