Support your gut health and protect against cancer with THIS green superfood

green-superfood(NaturalHealth365)  While there is nothing wrong with daily vitamin supplements to ensure you are meeting your body’s nutrient needs, those aren’t an excuse to skimp on the immense advantages of consuming a diet rich in whole (organic) foods.  Green foods, in particular, are essential for providing your body with natural sources of important nutrients.

These enzyme-rich foods – barley grass among them – provide your body with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in the most natural, readily available way possible.  There are beneficial components of consuming green foods that cannot be duplicated even by the best supplement.

Barley grass may be one of the best functional foods for preventing chronic diseases, study finds

What do you think of when it comes to building a healthy diet around whole, organic foods, especially of the healthy green variety?  If broccoli, lettuce, or even kale comes to mind, you are on the right track.

There’s certainly nothing wrong with those nutritious standbys.  But if you are ready to shake up your usual fare, consider barley grass.  As one of the green grasses, barley grass has an impressive list of recognized health benefits.

Barley grass is known to support a healthy intestinal microbe population and help rid the body of accumulated toxins by alleviating inflammation in the gut.  In addition, barley grass has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

Add barley grass to your diet to strengthen your immune system, promote optimal acid-alkali balance, and naturally cleanse and detoxify your system.  This powerful antioxidant is also known to protect against radiation and damage at the cellular level, regenerating damaged cells and tissues.

Powerful antioxidants pack healthy punch against free radicals, protect against cancer

Barley grass protects against the development of many diseases associated with oxidative stress.  Working with vitamin E and beta carotene, barley grass is known to be an extremely potent supplier of the critical enzyme superoxide dismutase.

Barley grass is even effective in the prevention and treatment of cancer owing to the power of the superoxide dismutase enzyme.  This enzyme helps neutralize the effects of oxygen-free radicals produced during energy metabolism.  Enzymes present in barley grass help suppress the proliferation of cancer cells by decomposing and counteracting the effects of toxic hydrogen peroxide, which is produced during respiration.

As you would guess, the rejuvenating properties of barley grass extend to maintaining healthy skin and bones and promoting agility.  Barley grass is also known to help the body deal with stress and keep cholesterol levels in check.  It helps to purify and build healthy blood.  The vitamin E found in barley grass helps to regulate optimal hormone balance, while its vitamin K plays a critical role in assuring normal bone metabolism.

In addition to its impact on physical health, you can count on barley grass to aid in mental health and stability.  Its ability to act as a neurotransmitter allows it to help the brain safeguard against senility while boosting concentration and lessening the effects of learning disorders.

Boost your nutrient intake by adding barley grass to your diet

The leaves of barley grass contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals – including beta carotene, B1, B2, B6, C, folic acid, pantothenic acid, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, manganese, and zinc.  In fact, this green food can be described as containing 30 times more vitamin B1 and 11 times the amount of calcium as that found in cow’s milk.

Spinach has nothing on it, either, since barley grass is known to contain nearly five times the iron.  You will also find this superfood to offer nearly seven times the vitamin C in oranges, four times the vitamin B1 in whole wheat flour, and 80 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 100 grams of dried barley plant juice.

If you want to add barley grass to your healthy diet, you can consume it as a juice extract from cereal grass sprouts.  It is also available as a green powder, produced by spray drying the barley grass.

Editor’s note: I highly recommend the superfoods found at The Synergy Company, including barley grass powder.  And, no, I receive ZERO compensation for this suggestion.  They’re just a great quality company.

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