Great health news: ‘Superbugs’ get destroyed with powerful vitamins

(NaturalHealth365) The advent of superbugs – bacteria that have mutated to become resistant to modern drugs – could create an “antibiotic apocalypse” in which a minor cut becomes life-threatening and patients risk dying from infections after routine surgery.
The World Health Organization calls superbugs an increasingly serious threat to global public health, while a report commissioned by the United Kingdom warns that superbugs are becoming completely resistant and could result in 10 million deaths a year by 2050.
Yet, over the past two decades, studies have shown that two simple, non-toxic, and inexpensive vitamins have the potential to wipe out drug-resistant bacteria – and reverse diseases that result from them. Unfortunately, this potentially lifesaving research has largely fallen on deaf ears – which is quite disturbing when you consider the severity of the situation.
Vitamin C prevents and reverses drug resistant sepsis
Sepsis, a bacterial infection that can result from methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), has a 40 percent fatality rate and no effective treatment from conventional medicine. Sepsis can activate blood clotting pathways and create oxidative stress, in turn causing capillary plugging – in which blockages prevent oxygen from reaching organ tissue, causing organ failure and death.
In a 2010 animal study conducted at the University of Western Ontario, researchers found that a single injection of vitamin C – when administered early at the time of induction of sepsis – prevented capillary plugging, with the protective effect continuing for up to 24 hours afterwards. A delayed injection was effective as well, reversing capillary plugging by restoring blood flow.
Hailing vitamin C as cheap, safe and devoid of side effects, lead researcher Dr. Karel Tymi called for clinical research to explore the effects of vitamin C in human sepsis patients.
Vitamin C destroys drug-resistant tuberculosis
A 2013 laboratory study conducted at Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University yielded dramatic and unexpected results when researchers discovered a previously unknown mechanism in vitamin C that can help it kill drug-resistant mycobacterial tuberculosis.
Researchers initially set out to explore the relationship between a specific tuberculosis molecule and drug resistance. When they added vitamin C to the culture, they were using it as a reducing agent, and not expecting it to be lethal.
Amazingly, a combination of vitamin C and isoniazid, a first-line tuberculosis drug, not only killed the entire culture but sterilized it as well – including bacteria characterized as multi-drug-resistant.
Lead researcher Dr. William Jacobs, Jr., a professor of genetics at Einstein, noted that adding vitamin C to existing tuberculosis drugs could enhance their effectiveness and shorten length of treatment time.
Even MRSA is no match for vitamin C
Studies have shown the efficacy of intravenous ascorbate, a form of vitamin C, in killing MRSA.
Both MRSA and a drug-resistant pathogen called pseudomonas aeruginosa were inhibited in a study in which vitamin C was used along with sulfadiazine. Vitamin C was also found to increase the effectiveness of antibiotics in treating respiratory infections.
Of course, natural health experts and naturopathic physicians have long been extolling vitamin C’s amazing curative powers. And some have called out conventional medicine for ignoring promising research.
In 2004, Sydney J. Bush, a British optometrist, wrote on open letter to the online British Medical Journal, citing several vitamin C studies and asking why so little attention was given to vitamin C as a successful treatment for MRSA. In the letter, Bush noted that the published studies on vitamin C make no mention of negative outcomes – only benefits and successes.
Vitamin B-3 clears MRSA within hours
And it’s not only vitamin C that can destroy superbugs. A 2012 laboratory study performed by researchers at Cedars-Sinai and published in Journal of Clinical Investigation showed that vitamin B-3, or niacinamide, could inhibit MRSA. The team found that high doses of vitamin B-3 stimulate a specific gene, which in turn enhances the ability of white blood cells to fight MRSA infections.
The team noted that vitamin B-3 increased the immune system’s ability to kill staph bacteria by 1,000-fold when compared to treatment with saline – and so effectively that germs vanished from the blood within hours.
And, further animal studies showed that vitamin B-3 caused bacteria counts in spleen and kidneys to plunge to a level 100 times lower than that of the control group.
With the threat of superbugs and potential pandemics looming, it has never been more important to discover and develop natural, safe and effective therapies to combat them. Vitamins B-3 and C need to be recognized by modern science as the lifesavers they are.
George Liu, pediatric infectious disease physician at Cedar-Sinai’s Maxine Dunitz Children’s Health Center, has this to say on the matter: “It’s critical that we find novel antimicrobial approaches to treat infection and not rely so heavily on antibiotics,” says Liu.
Truer words were never spoken.
Editor’s note: The NaturalHealth365 Store offers the finest quality nutritional supplements on the market. Click here to order vitamin C and click here for the best (liposomal) vitamin B complex – available today.