Great health news: ‘Superbugs’ get destroyed with powerful vitamins
(NaturalHealth365) The advent of superbugs – bacteria that have mutated to become … Great health news: ‘Superbugs’ get destroyed with powerful vitamins
(NaturalHealth365) The advent of superbugs – bacteria that have mutated to become … Great health news: ‘Superbugs’ get destroyed with powerful vitamins
(NaturalHealth365) Vitamin C benefits are well-known, including bringing support to the immune … Prevent and reverse infections with vitamin C
(NaturalHealth365) Arthritis is a common problem in the United States, with the … Arthritis medications cause TB, sepsis and herpes
(NaturalHealth365) The reliance on antibiotics is not a mere exaggeration but an … Growing resistance: Common pediatric infections outsmart multiple antibiotics
(NaturalHealth365) Diabetes, which currently affects more than 10 percent of the American … Oregano and rosemary lower blood sugar and prevent diabetes
(NaturalHealth365) No doubt, urinary tract infections are unpleasant, painful and (sadly) too … 8 ways to avoid urinary tract infections naturally
(NaturalHealth365) A staggering 70 percent of children and 40 percent of adults … Research confirms: Antibiotics can damage immune system function
(NaturalHealth365) Every year, roughly 50 million people undergo inpatient surgery in the … Slash your risk of surgery-related complications, including life-threatening infections
(NaturalHealth365) Cold and flu season reportedly peaks between December and February – … WARNING about the unexpected health effects caused by over-the-counter cold and flu drugs, according to health officials
(NaturalHealth365) Vitamin C is an extremely powerful antioxidant, yet the pharmaceutical industry, … Artificial antioxidant could lead to HUGE pharmaceutical industry profits
(Naturalhealth365) Why do some people become ill after exposure to pathogens, while … Top scientists clueless about the immune system and how to avoid infection
(Naturalhealth365) With the rise of “superbugs” such as MRSA, antibiotic resistance has … Ascorbic acid is a potent antioxidant that fights infection, according to the U.S. government
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