Fast food increases exposure to cancer-causing phthalates
(NaturalHealth365) Most people who consume fast food are aware that it isn’t … Fast food increases exposure to cancer-causing phthalates
(NaturalHealth365) Most people who consume fast food are aware that it isn’t … Fast food increases exposure to cancer-causing phthalates
(NaturalHealth365) There’s a really good reason why Monsanto has been called “the … Cancer-causing glyphosate is “the most destructive chemical in our environment,” MIT scientist warns
(NaturalHealth365) The typical Western diet is loaded with sugar, and this is … High sugar intake decreases breast cancer survival, new study suggests
(NaturalHealth365) The pursuit of the ‘perfect smile’ tends to come at great … TOXIC SMILE: Harmful toothpaste ingredients linked to increased cancer risk
(NaturalHealth365) Cancer patients and their loved ones are often in a state … American Cancer Society downplays diet’s role in cancer prevention
(NaturalHealth365) Due to the popularity of cigarettes in the United States in … Flame retardant in most household items linked to cancer, chronic disease
(NaturalHealth365) Diabetes must not be ignored by anyone. However, a surprise to … Moderate blood sugar levels increase risk of cancer
(NaturalHealth365) Since when did it become normal for kids to have chronic … Environmental toxins linked to rise in chronic health issues among children
(NaturalHealth365) For years, many of the most well-known baby food companies, BeechNut … Baby food makers “knowingly keep toxic products on the market,” congressional reports states
(NaturalHealth365) Spirulina is in a class all its own when it comes … How to boost your immune system and fight cancer with spirulina
(NaturalHealth365) More than 90 percent of American adults own a cell phone, … Cell phone use can damage DNA, studies reveal
(NaturalHealth365) Have you ever noticed that you have more energy when you … Eating organic helps kids score higher on cognitive tests, according to study
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