Can a dental infection cause a massive heart attack?
(NaturalHealth365) For well over a hundred years now, the idea that a … Can a dental infection cause a massive heart attack?
(NaturalHealth365) For well over a hundred years now, the idea that a … Can a dental infection cause a massive heart attack?
(NaturalHealth365) For about a century now, prominent researchers have been attesting to … Chronic disease caused by undiagnosed oral infections
(NaturalHealth365) Drug-resistant infections claim close to 700,000 lives worldwide every year – … Antibiotic resistance: Routine surgeries and minor infections projected to become life-threatening
(NaturalHealth365) The reliance on antibiotics is not a mere exaggeration but an … Growing resistance: Common pediatric infections outsmart multiple antibiotics
(NaturalHealth365) Each passing year brings increasingly concerning information about PPI (Proton Pump … Study investigates CONCERNING link between frequently-prescribed medication and serious infections in children
(NaturalHealth365) Experts warn that antibiotic resistance, in which disease-causing bacteria become immune … From spice rack to superhero: How ginger puts infection-fighting white blood cells on “high alert”
(NaturalHealth365) It is important to be mindful of potential dangers to our … Chlorine in swimming pools causes disease, infections and cancer
(NaturalHealth365) Maintaining good oral hygiene and seeking high-quality dental care is critical … Dental infections cause cancer, neurological and autoimmune disease
(NaturalHealth365) Turn on the nightly news, and you’ll hear about the rise … Are mRNA COVID shots to blame for recent surge in childhood infections?
(NaturalHealth365) With the recent news that the Biden Administration has extended the … Triple-vaxxed take longer to recover from COVID infection than unjabbed, study suggests
(NaturalHealth365) The denial and gaslighting were strong from mainstream media, government officials, … DEBUNKED: COVID infection NOT linked to increased myocarditis risk in unjabbed, study finds
(NaturalHealth365) Nearly a year ago, the director of the U.S. Centers for … NEW STUDY: mRNA COVID shots increase risk of symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection
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