Proton pump inhibitors linked to an 80% increased risk of liver cancer, shocking study reveals

proton-pump-inhibitors(NaturalHealth365)  Heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), ulcers, and other disorders related to your stomach and stomach acid can be a real pain – literally.  The burning, discomfort, and indigestion can make eating difficult, if not nearly impossible.  If you follow the advice of big pharma, all you have to do is take a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) like Prilosec OTC® or Nexium®.

But, in a recent study, researchers have discovered a worrisome adverse effect of these top-selling drugs – an increased risk of liver cancer.  This may very well explain why rates of liver cancer have tripled since 1980.

Taking a proton pump inhibitor for heartburn raises the risk of liver cancer to new heights, new research warns

A recent study published in Cancers highlights a potential link between long-term use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and an increased risk of liver cancer, particularly in women and individuals under 60.  The research analyzed a large cohort of patients in Germany, revealing that those with extended PPI therapy (over two years) had a significantly higher risk of developing liver cancer.  In women, the association was especially pronounced, suggesting that long-term PPI use may pose a greater risk in certain populations.

Another paper published in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics combined data from one case-controlled study and one prospective cohort study.  Both large independent studies (involving nearly half a million people) looked at the relationship between PPI use and the incidence of liver cancer.

The researchers discovered that a person was as much as 83% MORE likely to develop liver cancer if they took the drug omeprazole (you know it as Prilosec®) compared to people who didn’t.

While this data isn’t enough to prove that proton pump inhibitors actually cause liver cancer, it does show a definitive correlation.  The old saying “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire” seems appropriate here.

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By the way, an increased risk of liver cancer isn’t the only potential problem of proton pump inhibitors.  Research also shows that excessive or prolonged use can increase the risk of bone fractures, community-acquired pneumonia, and nutritional deficiencies.

Want to boost your liver function naturally?  Don’t miss these 5 helpful tips

First of all, never stop taking a prescription medication without consulting a physician.  However, you can relieve or prevent heartburn and other types of stomach acid issues by consuming peppermint or ginger tea, lemon water, and apple cider vinegar mixed in water before or after meals.  Supplementing with cod liver oil has also been shown to heal gastric ulcers.

Additionally, if you want to boost your liver function, be sure to try these natural tips:

  • Take milk thistle and/or a CoQ10 supplement.
  • Avoid toxins by opting for organic, pesticide-free foods.
  • Eliminate refined sugar and minimize or eliminate alcohol consumption.
  • Make physical activity a part of your daily routine (at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on most days of the week).
  • Lose excess weight.  Obesity increases the risk of liver disease.

Editor’s note: Discover the best ways to avoid the threat of fatty liver disease, own the Fatty Liver Docu-Class created by NaturalHealth365 Programs.

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