(NaturalHealth365) Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, said: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Over two thousand years later, most doctors have clearly forgotten these words – thanks to the limited education received in medical school about how to ‘treat’ and ‘manage’ health problems – without addressing the true cause of disease. Conventionally-trained physicians know very little about nutrition because the vast majority of their training was supported by the pharmaceutical industry.
Reality check: Our air, water and food supply are under attack by dominating corporate interests. Sadly, most people still remain unaware of GMOs – genetically modified organisms in our food or which foods are best to eat. Adding to the confusion are all the different food philosophies out there like, macrobiotics, vegan, high-protein, Atkins and the paleo diet.
Should we eat only organic food or not? What about GMOs – what exactly are they and should we really be concerned about these foods?
Today, on the NaturalHealth365 Podcast, we want to help clear up the confusion about food and give you a whole new perspective on life that helps you achieve and maintain optimal health.
Our very special guest is Ocean Robbins, co-founder and CEO of the 250,000+ member Food Revolution Network and co-author with his dad, bestselling author John Robbins, of Voices of the Food Revolution.
Ocean has created the Food Revolution Summit – an event which offer the most up-to-date research and information about food, nutrition, disease prevention, and environmental stewardship.
Click the banner (below) and reserve your FREE spot for this incredible event.

Podcast highlights include:
Why Ocean is calling for a “food revolution” – this message MUST be heard by every health conscious citizen.
What exactly is a GMO and the most honest look at the ‘promise’ and failure of GMO technology. (Monsanto wants you to ignore this portion of the program)
A revealing look at the Paleo Diet – that most people never consider.
If you think health food is ‘too expensive’ … listen carefully to how Ocean responds to that concern. (it’s brilliant)
Finally, this episode of the NaturalHealth365 Podcast takes a refreshing look at how food directly affects every aspect of our life – physically, mentally and emotionally.
After listening to this show – you will definitely feel inspired to make simple, yet significant changes to your diet and lifestyle. The results will be worth it!
Vaccines & Autism
Natural Health 365
Natural Health 365 is a premium source of trending and popular health-related news, science, testimony & research articles on the most up to date and relevant natural health information. The Food & Nutrition articles found herein are meant to inform and advise our site visitors on eating healthy, nutritious foods and safely using supplements and vitamins to achieve optimal health.
Join thousands of daily visitors staying informed and involved on Natural Health 365! We seek out scientific solutions with proven results and it is our mission to keep you up to date on the latest information! Articles range in topic from vaccination overviews to linking specific, common vaccines to the development of autism. We also aim to educate the public on the dangers of vaccines and provide in depth analysis of political vaccination bills.
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Pregnancy & Vaccinations, Whooping Cough Outbreak in Immunized Children, Gardasil Vaccine Deadly, Mandatory Adult Vaccinations?.
Vaccines & Autism is one of our major post categories on www.naturalhealth365.com and contains over 50 articles that cover a wide range of subjects; including but not limited to…
Vaccines & Autism
More Articles on the Relationship Between Vaccines & Autism
Vaccine Safety and Contamination, Forced Childhood Vaccines, 10 flu vaccine dangers revealed, allergic reactions to vaccines
In addition to publishing articles concerning the most up-to-date information on vaccines and their dangerous and unintended consenquences, we also aim to connect healthy lifestyles, diets and balanced consumption of dietary supplements to lifelong health and a strong, naturally-boosted immune system and adding happy years to your life.
Did you know that pharmaceutical companies lobby to make vaccines mandatory for every child & adult in the US? Or that certain vaccines have been linked directly to the development of autism in children? Perhaps you didn’t know that the AMA (American Medical Association) actively discredits natural medicine by encouraging a strict adherance to it’s newly adopted ‘Ethical Guidelines’? You can find all of that information and more right here on Natural Health 365.
Articles on Autism
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Grazing Goat Whey Protein™ is formulated exclusively for the health-conscious consumer looking for the finest whey protein nutritional supplement on the planet.* Best of all, this goat whey protein comes from goats that graze – 365 days per year – on pesticide and chemical free pastures. No hormones, antibiotics or pesticides are used – ever. This product is non-GMO and gluten free.