NH365 023: Traditional medicine – The best herbs for reproductive health and energy

(NaturalHealth365) For thousands of years, traditional medicine practitioners have used herbs to help women (and men) with a wide variety of health issues – especially reproductive health problems. In fact, many herbs are designed to help women strengthen their blood; nourish the uterus and balance hormones.

Today, on the NaturalHealth365 Podcast, Jonathan Landsman interviews Brigitte Mars, an expert in herbal medicine about the best herbs to consume for optimal health. After listening to this program, you’ll see how easy it is to incorporate herbs into a healthy lifestyle.

Links related to the show:

1. For more information about Brigitte Mars – visit: BrigitteMars.com

2. As discussed on the show – here’s the link for “The Sexual Herbal: Prescriptions for Enhancing Love and Passion

3. To help you understand herbal medicine – take a look at Brigitte’s book, Home Reference to Holistic Health and Healing

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Traditional medicine guide to healthy reproductive function

1. Learn more about herbal medicine – especially the health benefits of nettles, oat straw, shatavari (‘female ginseng’) and dong quai.

2. Keep track of your menstrual cycle.

3. Support the endocrine system. Obviously, hormonal balance is crucial for a healthy reproductive system. So, avoid excess stress, get good quality sleep, eat well, avoid environmental toxins and use adaptogenic herbs to maintain balance.

4. Optimize liver function. When the liver is not working well – your body can become overburdened with toxins – which will eventually affect hormonal balance and reproductive health.

Natural solutions for reproductive problems

Is your monthly menstrual cycle painful? Do you have fibroids or polycystic ovarian syndrome? Or, are you just experiencing too much anxiety or depression? You’re not alone – as many of these issues seem to be on the rise in society today. Fortunately, these health issues are reversible without the need for toxic medications.

Don’t underestimate the power of natural healing. If you know someone suffering with female reproductive issues, share this podcast with someone you love.

A final note: To improve reproductive health – avoid plastics; eat an all-natural, organic foods diet (as much as possible); don’t buy toxic menstrual products; support healthy liver function; get regular lymphatic massages and take the time to understand the many health benefits of herbal medicine.

Enjoy the show!