How to diminish, dissolve and reverse arterial plaque

(NaturalHealth365) As you probably know, it’s not cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes or auto accidents that make ups the conditions most likely to threaten the lives of American adults – it’s cardiovascular disease. In fact, according to statistics published by the CDC, heart disease currently kills nearly 650,000 people – every year – in the United States. And a primary factor in heart disease is arterial plaque – artery-clogging deposits of fat and calcium that can lead to angina, heart attack and stroke.
The grim figures on the consequences of arterial plaque – also known as atherosclerosis – continue to accumulate. Every year, about 735,000 Americans experience a heart attack, while another 795,000 suffer a stroke. Isn’t it time to learn how to reduce your odds – and prolong your life?
Breaking NEWS about plaque: Doctors don’t want you to know this truth about heart disease
Unlike most other animals, humans (along with primates, bats and guinea pigs) lack the ability to produce vitamin C in the body – a condition that is due to a long-ago genetic variation. This means that vitamin C must be obtained through dietary means – and the consequences for failing to consume sufficient amounts can be dire.
According to the Pauling/Rath Unified Theory of Cardiovascular Disease – a theory developed by Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. Linus Pauling, in conjunction with German doctor Mathias Rath – the lion’s share of cardiovascular problems are really caused by shortages in vitamin C.
Having insufficient levels of this indispensable nutrient causes arteries to become brittle and vulnerable to cracks and fissures. In addition, vitamin C shortages can elevate cholesterol levels – particularly that of lipoprotein A or Lp(a), a type of LDL cholesterol with “sticky,” adhesive qualities.
Lp(a) is believed to be the primary culprit in the formation of arterial plaque and the constriction of arteries. This belief was reinforced in 1989, when researchers evaluating the clogged aortas of heart attack victims noted that they were finding only the Lp(a) type of cholesterol in the deposits.
As arteries develop ruptures, the body attempts to repair the damage by sending cholesterol to the site.
But the “down side” is that this reparative cholesterol begins to accumulate and form plaque deposits, inhibiting the flow of oxygen-rich blood and triggering strokes and heart attacks.
Simple, yet revolutionary, these natural nutrients help to REDUCE the risk of plaque buildup
The key to preventing and treating heart disease, as set forth in the Pauling Therapy, is the administration of high doses of vitamin C, along with the amino acid lysine.
High doses of vitamin C serve to strengthen arteries and make them less susceptible to breakage, while supplementary lysine can stop Lp(a) from sticking to artery walls. A later protocol developed by Dr. Rath calls for the addition of the amino acid proline.
Like lysine, proline can act as a sort of ‘teflon’ in the arteries, discouraging sticky Lp(a) and promoting better circulation of blood. When given in sufficient dosages, this therapy can inhibit formation of atherosclerotic deposits – and even help to remove and dissolve existing plaques.
Proponents of the Pauling Therapy maintain that the protocol can also lower cholesterol, relieve the pain of angina pectoris, increase heart strength, improve natural immunity and promote overall health.
Address and prevent heart disease with simple lifestyle and dietary recommendations
According to Dr. Pauling, every person at risk for heart disease should take at least 5 g (5,000 mg) of vitamin C and at least 2 grams of lysine a day.
To address atherosclerosis, Dr. Pauling recommended daily dosages of 6,000 to 18,000 mg of vitamin C in divided doses, along with 2,000 to 6,000 mg of lysine.
Enhancements to the protocol can include 800 IU a day of vitamin E – which helps to make blood less “sticky” and likely to clot – and 100 to 300 mg a day of coenzyme Q10 – which helps the heart to pump blood more efficiently.
Note: it is particularly important to supplement with CoQ10 if you take statin medications to lower cholesterol. These can deplete the body’s store of this important nutrient.
The amino acids carnitine, taurine and arginine also benefit heart function, while vitamin K – found in leafy greens – has antioxidant properties and can help slow the deposit of plaque. Note: if you are taking anticoagulant medication, talk to your medical doctor before consuming any food or supplement with vitamin K.
And supplementary DHEA – a hormone created naturally in the body – has been linked with reductions in atherosclerosis and clogged arteries, along with decreased mortality from heart disease.
Bonus health tip: DHEA can lower levels of disease-promoting inflammation, and can even help protect against the formation of harmful visceral fat around the abdomen.
As always, consult with a trusted integrative healthcare provider before trying the Pauling Therapy – or adding any supplements to your diet. And, never reduce or eliminated prescribed heart medications unless specifically advised to do so by your doctor.
The Pauling Therapy also advises eliminating trans fats and refined sugar from the diet – while getting sufficient exercise and drinking plenty of pure, filtered water. A heart-healthy organic diet, rich in beneficial omega-3 oils, can also help reduce the risk of arterial plaque.
Hitting big pharma in the pocketbook: The Pauling Therapy has the potential to bankrupt drug-based medicine
If the conventionally-trained medical community seems to be distinctly unenthused by the Pauling Therapy, it’s not hard to determine why.
Many natural health experts and advocates have observed that this low-cost regimen – for which no prescription is needed – has the potential to bring the medical and pharmaceutical industries to financial ruin.
Sound extreme?
Not when you consider the fact that heart-related surgical procedures can bring in more money to metropolitan hospitals than any other procedure – in many cases accounting for a stunning 30 to 40 percent of a hospital’s total income.
Clearly, the concept of patients becoming responsible for their own health – and employing natural vitamins, minerals and amino acids in order to combat and eliminate heart disease – is terrifying for big pharma!
Renowned scientist Dr. Pauling insisted that the proper use of vitamin C and lysine can prevent, and even cure, heart disease. Although the protocol has never been taken seriously (or properly studied) by conventional medical authorities, many patients have discovered the efficacy of the therapy – and its lifesaving benefits – for themselves.
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