Outsmarting cancer: Master VEGF regulation with healing foods and techniques

vegf-contributes-to-cancer-cell-growth(NaturalHealth365)  Amidst imbalances triggered by poor dietary choices, stress, or environmental toxins, internal mechanisms are set in motion, propelling cancer growth and dissemination.  Among the key internal players, “vascular endothelial growth factor” (VEGF) emerges as a major contributor to cancer development.

For cancer patients, VEGF’s uncontrolled tissue growth poses a lethal threat.  While Western medicine relies on chemotherapy drugs as a supposed solution, holistic approaches aim to halt VEGF’s destructive path through natural means.

VEGF is a major contributor to why cancer tumors get out of hand

For healthy, growing children, VEGF is a necessary mechanism for growth.  As a “signaling protein,” it helps promote new blood vessels and also encourages tissue to grow by restoring blood supply to cells.  For babies, VEGF is one of the major processes that helps them develop in the womb.

As young people move into adulthood, this growth process slows down.  Although VEGF is still needed for some nervous, circulatory, and respiratory system functions as well as wound healing, consistently high levels of VEGF can be red flags for many disease conditions.  For example, obese individuals and those with diabetes have been shown to have high levels of VEGF, as do those with arthritis, multiple sclerosis (MS), and infectious disease conditions; malaria is an extreme example.

Managing VEGF is also crucial for stopping the spread of any form of cancerous growth.  This is because VEGF is a major contributor to a process called cancer cell angiogenesis.  Cancer cell angiogenesis is the central process through which small “neoplasms” (cancer tumors that are smaller than 1 mm) grow into larger and possibly metastatic cancer tumors.

Malignant tumors are notoriously relentless when it comes to finding ways to grow and multiply.  Because they need an independent blood supply to grow, cancer cells literally create their own VEGF.  A cancer tumor will continue to produce VEGF as it grows in size and eventually branches out to other organs in the body.

Anti-angiogenetic foods can help you to stop cancer cell growth

While Western medicine relies on VEGF inhibitors, such as chemotherapy agents, which often lead to unpleasant and lingering side effects, there are natural substances and methods that have proven effective in slowing down VEGF in cancer cells.

Experts suggest that you can actually starve cancer by consuming organic foods (to avoid unwanted chemicals) that directly impact VEGF within cancer cells.  Here is a partial list of some natural anti-angiogenetic options, many of which also act as potent super-antioxidants, immune boosters, and combatants against cancer:

  • Red grapes
  • Blueberries
  • Celery
  • Green tea
  • Kale
  • Artichokes
  • Garlic
  • Tomato
  • Herbs such as nutmeg, turmeric, parsley and thyme

Other suggestions for lowering VEGF verified by studies include boosting your intake of vitamins C and E and practicing stress reduction techniques.  A study on ovarian cancer cells by researchers at Ohio State University found that norepinephrine, produced during periods of stress, can stimulate tumor cells to release VEGF.

Wherever your journey with cancer is taking you at this time, understanding the internal mechanisms that may be red flags for “turning on” cancer tumor growth is a crucial part of taking your health into your own hands.  Choosing to eat foods that are “anti-angiogenetic” and choosing to include stress management techniques in your everyday routine is truly being proactive through prevention on all levels.

Editor’s note: Find out how to stop cancer naturallyOwn the Stop Cancer Docu-Class, created by NaturalHealth365 Programs and featuring many of the best (holistic) cancer doctors.

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