Naturally SLASH your risk of osteoporosis by more than 50 percent

(NaturalHealth365) According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, more than half of the people aged 55 and older in the United States suffer from low bone mass or clinical osteoporosis. That’s around 44 million Americans with a significantly increased risk for bone fracture!
Unfortunately, many of these people are told to take toxin-riddled drugs to manage their condition – a recommendation that has a non-compliance rate of up to 60%, according to research. But good news comes from other research which shows plenty of natural treatment options for osteoporosis including the use of extra virgin olive oil, as shown by one recent study.
Study results: Diet changes can dramatically REDUCE a risk of osteoporosis
People who consume greater quantities of extra virgin olive oil are 51% less likely to suffer a bone fracture related to osteoporosis compared to people who consume little to none of it.
This is according to scientific data from a new observational cohort study known as the PREDIMED trial based out of Spain. Findings were published in the February 2018 edition of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
The researchers routinely surveyed their study subjects (n = 870) over the course of several years, with a median follow up of an impressive 8.9 years. They asked specifically about the subjects’ dietary habits and food intake, including how much olive oil they consumed on a daily basis.
Initially, a third of these subjects had been randomly assigned to a standard Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil. Another third were randomly assigned to a Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts. The final third were randomly assigned to a low-fat diet.
The data was clear: people in the upper one-third of extra virgin olive oil consumption were over HALF as likely to suffer bone fracture and osteoporosis compared to people in the lowest one-third of olive oil consumption.
What’s the secret of success for extra virgin olive oil? This incredibly heart-healthy (and bone healthy!) oil contains compounds called polyphenols.
These polyphenols – and especially one in particular called oleuropein – are proven to reduce inflammation oxidative stress, both of which are associated with bone mineral loss. Oleuropein also happens to stimulate the production of osteoblasts – the cells that build bone tissue.
Tips for using and choosing the right olive oil
Wondering how much extra virgin olive oil you need to get the minimal effective dose? The high-intake olive oil consumers from the PREDIMED trial consumed approximately 1.75 ounces per day – about three and a half tablespoons. Other resources recommend upwards of nearly 5 tablespoons per day for older adults.
But that’s not really a whole lot, especially when you consider how many ways you can enjoy it:
- Drizzled over salad
- Used in homemade dips, soups, spreads, and other sides
- Spread on whole wheat toast
To protect your extra virgin olive oil and prevent it from going rancid, buy it in a light-blocking glass bottle and don’t heat it. Extra virgin olive oil is so potent because it’s been “cold-pressed” (extracted from olives without heat), thus preserving the polyphenol content.
Also, make sure you get a good quality brand! Many imported brands test positive for harmful pesticides in revealing lab studies!
Apollo olive oil, our #1 choice, is a delicious (award-winning) certified extra virgin olive oil brand, and there are plenty other domestic and local brands to choose from. Click here to learn more about how to choose a high-quality brand.
Editor’s note: Don’t assume that olive oil is a ‘magic bullet’ solution for osteoporosis. Instead, this article should be viewed as just another example of how good nutrition can protect your health. (and, of course, don’t forget the value of exercise – especially as it relates to bone health.)
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