NEW study reveals the chemical cause of Parkinson’s Disease

parkinsons-disease-invisible-cause(NaturalHealth365)  Is there a hidden danger lurking in your water, that causes Parkinson’s disease?  The short answer is yes!

But, we’re not talking about birth control pill residue and other pharmaceuticals, “forever chemicals” like  PFAS, or heavy metals like lead and arsenic (although depending on where you live in the country, these things certainly could be present in your tap water, and perhaps to an alarming degree).

A new paper published in the Journal of Parkinson’s Disease adds to decades of research suggesting a positive link between a common chemical and an increased risk of a common neurodegenerative condition, Parkinson’s disease (PD).

Common chemical used to decaffeinate coffee, dry clean your clothes may be in your tap water – and may increase your risk of Parkinson’s disease

The January 2023 paper focuses on the presence of a “widely used industrial solvent and common environmental contaminant” known as trichloroethylene (TCE).  The authors conducted a thorough literature review and several case studies to conclude that the “ubiquitous chemical is contributing to the global rise of PD and that TCE is one of its invisible and highly preventable causes.”

Concerns over TCE are not new.  For well over a century, this chemical has been used for everything from dry cleaning clothes to removing paint to degreasing metal to decaffeinating coffee!  Research also suggests that TCE contaminates up to one-third of U.S. groundwater and is found in 15 toxic Superfund sites in the Silicon Valley area as well as the notoriously contaminated Marine Corps base Camp Lejeune.

Already linked to health problems like congenital heart disease, miscarriages, and cancer, TCE has also been associated with a 500% increased risk of Parkinson’s disease, according to the authors of the study.

The authors acknowledge that there is still a lot to be learned about the link between this chemical and PD (let alone other health problems).  One proposed mechanism of harm is that TCE can easily cross the blood-brain barrier and damage mitochondria (energy-producing centers) in brain cells.  Previous research has suggested that this damage can lead to the loss of cells that produce dopamine, which is a hallmark of PD, a progressive neurodegenerative condition that can cause stiffness, poor coordination and balance, tremors, and other movement-related problems.

The authors of the January 2023 paper entitled, “Trichloroethylene: Invisible Cause of Parkinson’s Disease?” also warn that TCE “pollutes outdoor air, taints groundwater, and contaminates indoor air” and note that the use of this compound is only increasing, not decreasing.  They call for additional research and testing, cleaning up of contaminated sites, and eventually banning TCE outright.

Protect your family’s water source

Water is essential, so what happens when we have to worry about contaminants in whatever comes out of our tap?  How can we continue to nourish and hydrate ourselves properly while minimizing our risk of exposure to potentially harmful impurities?

First, we recommend checking out the Environmental Working Group’s Tap Water Database, most recently updated in 2021.  Users of this database can simply input their area code to learn more about the safety and risks of their tap water.  This information can give you a more clear action plan about what to do next.

EWG also provides a helpful tipsheet you can use to reduce your and your family’s exposure to common drinking water pollutants and contaminants.  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also list several recommendations, including the following:

  • Using water filters, ranging from countertop products to in-home installed water filtration systems like reverse osmosis, ion exchange, or distillation
  • Avoid using tap water, if at all possible
  • If you can’t avoid using tap water, then avoid drinking or cooking with hot water from your tap since hot water may dissolve certain contaminants like copper from pipes more easily than cold water
  • Updating or removing parts of your home water system or well that may expose you to things like lead (consult with a licensed professional, such as a well-water contractor, if you decide to make this home investment)
  • To help detoxify your body of this chemical and so many other unwanted toxins, consider using a far infrared sauna – on a weekly basis.

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