New report exposes the frightening dangers of wireless radiation

wireless-radiation(NaturalHealth365)  It seems that whenever you start investigating a money trail within the world of “modern healthcare” or big business, the results usually reveal lies and corruption.  For example, big pharma, our so-called government health agencies, big food producers, and now the telecom industry are filled with deceptive practices.  All of these examples represent multi-billion dollar industries.  But, more significantly, all of these entities have been caught lying to the public and compromising our health in the process.

A recent peer-reviewed scientific report is upsetting the telecom industry with evidence that non-ionizing radiation can harm humans.

Is electromagnetic radiation harmless? Industry paid for “science” says NO

The report’s author, Paul Héroux, Ph.D., is an associate professor of medicine at McGill University in Montreal.  He is also a medical scientist at the university’s Health Center Surgery Department and has an impressive professional pedigree.

In the report, Héroux tackled the telecom industry’s arguments of denying any adverse impact on health caused by electromagnetic radiation.  And he countered them with what he calls “solid physics.”

The results are compelling.

He determined that the adverse effects of electromagnetic radiation on human health are “inevitable” and possible at levels much lower than those the industry has deemed safe.

Flawed research on wireless radiation puts public health at risk

Much of the research on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation is performed on dead tissue.  Dead tissue will not respond to non-ionizing radiation the way live tissue does because electron transport can’t occur.  This leads to inaccurate conclusions.

Researchers have created a large body of erroneous evidence by ignoring basic science and physics principles, risking people’s health.  Worse, the current regulatory limits use this inaccurate information as a basis for determining what is safe and what is harmful.

Outdated testing methods fail to reflect real-world exposure

Another critical issue lies in how wireless radiation exposure is measured.  Many studies assess only the thermal effects – how much radiation heats tissue – while ignoring non-thermal biological impacts.  However, research shows that even low radiation levels, far below the heating threshold, can disrupt cellular function and damage DNA over time.

By relying on outdated testing methods that overlook these biological effects, regulatory agencies continue to approve exposure limits that fail to account for long-term health risks.  This oversight may leave the public vulnerable to serious health consequences from daily wireless radiation exposure.

Cell phones are not as innocuous as we have been led to believe

The truth about wireless radiation exposure cannot stay suppressed much longer.  As more data is being introduced and the lies we’ve been fed come to light, the deception will be exposed.

For most people, their cell phone is everything – telephone, banker, search engine, bill paying mechanism, and entertainment.  However, there are ways to reduce your exposure to radiation from your cell phone:

  • Reduce your wireless device usage – less time equals less exposure
  • Reduce the proximity of your device to your head by using a wired headset, earpiece, or speakerphone
  • Put a greater distance between your body and wireless devices
  • Opt for texting or instant messaging as opposed to talking (if not using the speakerphone)
  • As often as possible, keep your Bluetooth and Wi-Fi settings turned “off”

Simply put, the telecommunications industry will be forced to do better when consumers demand safer devices.

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