Molecular hydrogen might prove to be a powerful tool in fighting disease

(NaturalHealth365) When it comes to natural therapies for battling chronic disease, the use of molecular hydrogen is probably not the first to spring to mind. But, that may be changing – with researchers reporting that this tasteless, odorless gas could be the key to defeating devastating conditions such as cancer, autoimmune disease, diabetes and arthritis.
Recent scientific studies have highlighted molecular hydrogen’s remarkable ability to reduce oxidative stress – believed to be at the root of 90 percent of all modern disease. Keep reading to discover exactly why some researchers and scientists are calling hydrogen the “miracle molecule.”
How molecular hydrogen enters the cells and delivers amazing health effects
Hydrogen, also called H2 and dihydrogen, consists of only two atoms – making it the smallest, simplest and most fundamental element. Scientists say hydrogen’s small size, which allows it to easily reach inside of cell mitochondria, could be the reason behind its curative powers.
Although the concept of molecular hydrogen as a therapy was first introduced over 200 years ago, it became the focus of renewed modern-day attention with a 2007 study in Nature Medicine confirming its outstanding antioxidant properties.
Hundreds of studies and articles over the past ten years have reinforced these findings.
There are a variety of ways to ingest molecular hydrogen, including drinking hydrogen-infused water (produced by dissolving a hydrogen tablet), inhaling it, bathing in it, or putting a hydrogen saline solution in the eyes. Molecular hydrogen can also be applied to the body topically in areas of pain or inflammation.
Hydrogen “zaps” harmful free radicals and converts them into plain water
It is not always unhealthful factors, such as environmental toxins, that produce oxygen free radicals. They can also be created by natural bodily functions, including exercising – as well as by the simple act of inhaling. Free radicals interact with other molecules to cause oxidative damage to cell membranes, accelerating aging and triggering a host of ills – including heart disease, diabetes, cancer and more.
Diffusing quickly into tissues and cells, hydrogen battles free radicals that can contribute to cancer and the growth of tumors. Not only does hydrogen fight oxidative stress by selectively reducing dangerous oxidants such as hydroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite in cells, but it does so harmlessly – leaving behind only water as a byproduct.
Researchers have noted that there have been little or no adverse effects associated with molecular hydrogen – and no apparent upper level of use.
Plainly, hydrogen water is a safe and effective antioxidant. In fact, at a concentration of 1.6 milligrams per liter, it contains more antioxidant molecules than 100 milligrams of vitamin C.
Molecular hydrogen offers up an incredible roster of therapeutic effects
In addition to possessing potent antioxidant capabilities, hydrogen has other beneficial tricks up its sleeve. Extensive studies have attested to hydrogen’s anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, and anti-obesity effects.
In addition, hydrogen helps to prevent damage to cell DNA, stimulates energy metabolism, protects against toxins and increases production of ghrelin, a hormone that protects the brain, vascular system and liver. According to Ed Wunder, a research scientist with the Molecular Hydrogen Foundation, hydrogen also increases levels of glutathione and other powerful antioxidants in the body.
And, it can be a boon to athletes. Hydration with hydrogen water has been shown in studies to reduce blood lactate levels and improve exercise-induced decline of muscle function – leading to faster recovery times after strenuous workouts, as well as quicker healing from sports injuries.
One of the most encouraging studies highlights hydrogen’s potential to prevent diabetes by decreasing blood sugar and triglycerides – while helping to control body weight. Researchers also noted that hydrogen therapy alleviated fatty liver, a condition linked with diabetes. You can see the entire study here.
Finally, drinking hydrogen water improves cognitive function. In animal studies, hydrogen has been shown to prevent neuronal inflammation and improve memory – giving rise to possible applications towards treating Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
A 2014 review published in Pharmacology and Therapeutics praised molecular hydrogen’s “great efficacy,” and noted its potential for preventing and treating diseases – as well as its lack of adverse effects. You can read the entire review here.
Hydrogen water is already utilized in Asia
Although hydrogen water is emerging as a promising natural treatment in the United States, in parts of Asia it is already a popular therapy for reducing disease and promoting well-being – particularly in elderly people.
As reported by The Huffington Post, hydrogen water comprises 10 percent of Japan’s bottled water market – with up to 30 different companies marketing the product in Korea.
Korean scientists have conducted clinical trials showing that hydrogen water can effectively treat dementia and atopic dermatitis, and have also performed studies comparing the effects of tap water and hydrogen water. According to Dr. Lee Kyu-jae, president of the Korean Water Society and a professor at Yonsei University, tap water increased free radicals after three hours, while hydrogen water began reducing oxygen free radicals within five minutes – a clear indication of hydrogen’s capabilities.
With extensive studies confirming its efficacy, molecular hydrogen is clearly poised to take its place as a natural healing therapy for the twenty first century.
Editor’s note: The NaturalHealth365 Store offers an easy way to put molecular hydrogen into your drinking water with easy-to-dissolve tablets. Click here to order today!
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