PQQ and CoQ10 reverse mitochondrial dysfunction plus chronic disease symptoms

(NaturalHealth365) We all know that chronic degenerative diseases like, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s and stroke are a leading cause of death and disability – throughout the world. For example, in the United States, almost half of all adults suffer from one form or another of chronic disease – and a quarter of all adults suffer from two or more. Yet, we almost never hear Western medicine talk about a major contributor to poor health – mitochondrial dysfunction.
In fact, research has clearly shown that mitochondrial dysfunction – a product of aging (or overexposure to toxins, even inside the womb) – is a common thread uniting all of these deadly conditions. The good news is that a pair of nutrients – CoQ10 and PQQ – can effectively combat these health problems by protecting and even regenerating the body’s store of indispensable mitochondria.
Lifesaving NEWS: Researchers have found that mitochondria dysfunction threatens our quality of your life and can be repaired
Mitochondria are tiny structures inside cells that are responsible for breaking down nutrients and creating power and energy. Each human cell contains between 2 and 2,500 of these organelles, but their numbers decrease and their functionality wanes with age. In fact, researchers have found 50 percent more mitochondrial damage in the brain cells of people over 70, as compared to those of middle-aged individuals.
To be clear: your general health, energy level – and even the length and quality of life itself – are strongly linked to the amount of existing mitochondria, and how efficiently they work. Obviously, it is desirable to increase the number, status and survival of these tiny cell structures.
But how, exactly, do we do this?
Research has so far revealed two ways to boost mitochondrial health: rigorous physical exercise and calorie restriction of the type achieved by intermittent fasting. Unfortunately, not everybody has the inclination, willpower or physical ability to do this consistently.
As it turns out, there just might be an easier and more practical way to support mitochondrial health. And, a substance called PQQ is the key.
PQQ may comprise a virtual “fountain of youth”
Coenzyme pyrroloquinone quinone, or PQQ, is a vitamin-like essential micronutrient with powerful antioxidant capabilities. PQQ not only assists mitochondria in creating bioenergy, but it protects them from destructive oxidative stress. In addition, it is a powerful growth factor, working with other enzymes to promote the growth, development, differentiation, and longevity of cells.
In animal studies, researchers have found that being deprived of dietary PQQ causes stunted growth, immune system defects, impaired reproductive capability and fewer mitochondria in cells and tissues. When the deficiency was corrected, these effects were reversed.
In addition to protecting mitochondria from oxidative damage caused by free radicals, PQQ actually promotes mitochondrial biogenesis. This means that the nutrient is capable of helping the body regenerate fresh mitochondria, thereby reversing cellular aging and theoretically prolonging life – an amazing benefit.
Neuroprotective PQQ prevents Alzheimer’s disease and supports memory function
Studies have shown that PQQ protects memory and cognition, while helping to shield the brain against the effects of environmental toxins such as mercury. In fact, PQQ has been shown to reverse cognitive impairment caused by oxidative stress.
In addition, this hard-working enzyme combats chemicals that may trigger neurodegenerative diseases. Studies have shown that PQQ halts the formation of alpha-synuclein and beta-amyloid, two proteins strongly associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
Clinical trials support PQQ’s potential for improving cognition, memory and mood. A double-blind clinical trial published in Functional Foods in Health and Disease showed that 20 mg a day of PQQ improved cognition in middle-aged and elderly participants – as well as increasing vigor and reducing fatigue, tension, anxiety, depression and confusion.
PQQ’s potent antioxidant properties also give it the ability to suppress ischemia-reperfusion injury, a type of damage to brain tissues that occurs after a stroke.
PQQ evaluated as “superior” to prescription medication in preventing heart attack-related damage
And PQQ’s lifesaving benefits don’t stop with the brain. Preserving and enhancing mitochondrial function helps heart muscle cells resist oxidative stress, thereby supporting heart health and helping to ward off heart attack.
The enzyme also helps to prevent ischemia-reperfusion injury after a heart attack has occurred – regardless of whether it was given before or after the event.
When it comes to preventing reperfusion damage, studies have shown that PQQ works in a way similar to metoprolol, a pharmaceutical beta blocker typically administered after a heart attack.
In fact, in a study performed at the VA Medical Center at UC San Francisco, PQQ outperformed metoprolol in increasing mitochondrial energy-producing functions, reducing lipid peroxidation and protecting mitochondria from reperfusion injury – leading researchers to note the clear superiority of PQQ over the conventional medication.
Where does CoQ10 fit into the picture?
CoQ10, another vitamin-like enzyme that helps to convert fuel into energy, has long impressed researchers with its beneficial effects. Like PQQ, CoQ10 is credited by scientists with the ability to optimize and facilitate mitochondrial function – and it is often used to reduce risk of heart attack and heart failure.
When combined, the two enzymes are synergistic – meaning each potentiates the effects and benefits of the other. For example, in one study, researchers noted significant improvements in cognition for participants given 20 mg of PQQ a day. But when a dosage of 300 mg of CoQ10 was added, the results went from “significant” to “dramatic.”
How can I make PQQ and CoQ10 work for me?
Foods that are particularly rich in PQQ include organic fruits and vegetables such parsley, papaya, kiwi fruit, tofu and green peppers – to the tune of 2 to 3 micrograms per 100-gram serving. You can also obtain roughly the same amount from a 4-ounce serving of green tea.
CoQ10 is found in grass-fed beef, sardines and organ meats such as liver – as well as in organic cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower.
Both PQQ and CoQ10 are also available as supplements. Integrative healthcare providers tend to recommend dosages ranging from 10 to 20 mg per day for PQQ, and 60 to 400 mg per day for CoQ10. If you are interested in supplementing, we suggest you talk to a trusted medical professional to help figure out what’s best for you.
This “dynamic duo” of coenzymes is being credited by researchers for helping ward off virtually all the killer chronic diseases that threaten human health. As a bonus: PQQ and CoQ10 may also help you jumpstart your metabolism and (obviously) improve your overall energy levels – not a bad pay-off for simply ingesting these two safe, natural nutrients.
Editor’s note: The NaturalHealth365 Store offers the most comprehensive, plant-based formula to support mitochondrial function and performance. Click here to order today!
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