Stop migraine and headache pain naturally

Stop migraine and headache pain naturally

(NaturalHealth365) Persons who suffer with headaches or migraines on a regular basis endure a dramatic reduction in their quality of life. Fortunately, there are natural cures available to ease the pain and discomfort.

A headache is typically caused by stress or a sinus infection. “Tension” headaches tend to start on the forehead and spread down to the neck and shoulders. Pain levels are usually characterized as mild to medium.

The difference between headaches and migraines

By contrast, a migraine is more severe and localized to one side of the head. The pain is characterized as a dull throb or ache that intensifies into an intense, concentrated pain. A migraine headache also causes sensitivity to light and sound, as well as nausea, chills and hot flashes.

In addition, movement of any kind can make the symptoms worse, so persons undergoing a migraine attack must often lie down in a dark, quiet area until the migraine subsides.

What causes a migraine?

Usually, this type of head pain is related to dilation and constriction of blood vessels in the head. Genetics, food triggers, stress, fatigue, eye strain, infections and alcohol consumption can also contribute to the problem.

Western migraine treatments include the prescription of ‘preventative’ medications to help block the causes of migraines. Painkillers may also be prescribed.  Bear in mind, the causes of a migraine such as a severe sinus infection, environmental causes or food triggers should always be addressed with a well-qualified healthcare provider.

For some people, dietary changes and regular exercise can really help to prevent migraine and headache pain.

Recent research has found a correlation between low vitamin D levels and chronic migraines. In fact, around 90 percent of teenagers and young adults studied showed blood vitamin D levels at 40 ng/mL or lower. Migraine sufferers also tended to be deficient in the compounds CoQ10 and riboflavin.

Specific foods that either help or trigger migraines and headaches

The link between migraines and food triggers is substantial. Some of the most common foods that trigger migraines include dairy, eggs, chocolate, meat, citrus fruits, wheat, corn, nuts, tomatoes and onions. Alcoholic beverages, caffeine, monosodium glutamate, nitrites and aspartame have also been linked with the causes of migraines.

Avoiding these foods for two weeks (or any food suspected to be a migraine trigger) can help to determine individual causes of migraines and offer a natural way to avoid them.

Foods known for having a positive effect against fighting migraines include ginger, and foods rich in calcium, magnesium and complex carbohydrates such as those found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Again, everyone is different; while for some, caffeine can trigger a migraine, for others, drinking coffee can actually relieve it.

A natural herb called feverfew has been used since ancient times to relieve headaches, migraines and fevers. A City of London Migraine Clinic study found feverfew to be helpful to up to two-thirds of migraine sufferers at varying levels of effectiveness.

Bottom line: Don’t give up.  Keep looking for the true cause of your head pain and you can feel better soon.

Editor’s note: What do I use for headache relief?  Well, my wife turned me on to “T-Relief” – years ago and we’ve never stopped using it.  This homeopathic medicine says it’s for ‘muscle and joint ‘pain,’ but it really works for the first sign of head pain.  By the way, there is NO financial incentive for me to tell you – I just thought you might be interested.

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