Majority of federally-funded trials did not meet federal requirements, recent NIH report reveals

nih-funded-trials(NaturalHealth365)  If we are implored to “believe science,” “follow the science,” and “trust science” (or whatever catchy slogan is plastered on t-shirts and social media profiles these days), only to learn that the clinical trials upon which the science is based are often faulty and flawed, then how much trust are we actually expected to have?

Of course, mainstream voices will dismiss critical thinkers and skeptics as “conspiracy theorists,” especially regarding hot-button topics like COVID-19.  But the reality is science – and more specifically, federally-funded scientific research – is imperfect …, and evidently, it’s not even properly reported to the public most of the time.

U.S. Office of Inspector General (OIG) reveals that more than half of clinical trials audited did NOT comply with federal reporting requirements

In August 2022, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released the results of an audit that was conducted to “determine whether [the National Institutes of Health (NIH)] ensured that NIH-funded Intramural and Extramural clinical trials complied with Federal reporting requirements.”

The OIG says that the “NIH is responsible for ensuring that NIH-funded Intramural and Extramural clinical trials are reported on the public website”  Why is the NIH responsible for making sure this happens?  Because “[p]osting the results of clinical trials on provides the public information that is available for understanding the safety and effectiveness of interventions,” explains the OIG.

The OIG was specifically looking at “all 72 NIH-funded Intramural and Extramural clinical trials for which Federal law and NIH policy required the results to be reported in calendar year 2019 or 2020.”  To reiterate, the OIG audited ALL NIH-funded trials that were supposed to report their results in 2019 or 2020.

It is not immediately clear if any of these 72 studies involved COVID-related interests, including vax trials. However, given that virtually all studies regarding the pandemic didn’t begin until at least 2020 – and therefore were most likely not required to report in the 2020 calendar year, and certainly not the 2019 calendar year – it’s probable that none of the 72 studies were pandemic-related.  Even so, check out what the OIG found:

Over HALF of the studies audited (37 out of 72) were NONCOMPLIANT with federal reporting requirements – 12 of the studies submitted their results late, and 25 of the studies did not submit their results at all.

Of course, not posting study findings is a convenient way to hide negative results about intervention “safety and effectiveness.”  In fact, this phenomenon is so insidious that it has a specific name: publication bias, or “the failure to publish the results of a study on the basis of the direction or strength of the study findings,” according to the NIH.

Are government-funded researchers finding out things they don’t want to know – e.g., that an intervention doesn’t help or even causes harm – and hiding the results because of this?

The OIG summarized other key findings from their audit, which you can read about in detail in their report.  These findings include:

  • The NIH did not always ensure that responsible parties submitted clinical trial results
  • The NIH did not have adequate procedures to ensure that responsible parties for NIH-funded clinical trials complied with federal reporting guidelines
  • The benefits (and we’ll add – the risks) of clinical trials may not be fully realized when federal reporting requirements are not met

Audit revelations of past NIH-funded research failures shed a harsh light on government failures during COVID-19 pandemic

If you’re wondering what prompted this audit in the first place, the OIG explains that “our preliminary review of data from showed that the results of most NIH-funded clinical trials that were completed in calendar year 2018 were not posted.”

Read that again – most of the trials that the NIH is funding (thanks, in large part, to taxpayer dollars) are NOT being properly reported.  This appears to be a historical precedent.  So how and why the government expects the public to blindly trust the current “science” on COVID-19 vax clinical trials is beyond imagination.

This harrowing realization of clinical trial failures mirrors the audacious and jaw-dropping admission by Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In a video recently distributed to CDC employees about the agency’s pathetic handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Walensky said, “To be frank, we are responsible for some pretty dramatic, pretty public mistakes, from testing to data to communications.”

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