Low-risk drinking is slowly killing us, and it’s completely “normal”

Low-risk drinking is slowly killing us, and it’s completely “normal”

(NaturalHealth365) Low-risk drinking isn’t a phrase that we hear too often. Culturally, we just frown upon binge-drinking and alcoholism. But we don’t take a second look at those who enjoy a glass of wine with dinner most nights.

If you’re in America (or anywhere else in the world for that matter), drinking has been normalized and encouraged. After all, the first miracle was turning water into wine. Well, now, we have research showing that even acceptable alcohol consumption is slowly killing us. And it’s time we became more aware of what these habits are doing to us.

Low-risk drinking is technically 10 standard drinks for women, and 15 standard drinks for men per week. Considering that many of us enjoy a generous pour. If you look forward to a glass of wine with dinner every other night and a few more on the weekend, you’ll be pretty close to that number.

So, let’s take a look at how much can kill.

Low-risk drinking is resulting in hospitalizations and premature death

Brand new research has revealed some shocking evidence on what the government considers “safe drinking.” The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs found that massive numbers of people within these “safe” guidelines experienced alcohol-related deaths either directly or indirectly. 50% of cancer deaths were a result of moderate drinking.

What’s even crazier is that an estimated 88,000 Americans die each year from alcohol attributed illness. This study found that 38% percent of them aren’t uncontrollable alcoholics. They’re well under the low-risk drinking guidelines or former alcohol drinkers.

This new research shatters everything we know to be true about our culture in high-income countries. Drinking is a part of our religious traditions, milestone celebrations, and it’s a part of the way we socialize. Moving from a low-risk drinker to a non-drinker couldn’t be more challenging in today’s world.

But perhaps that’s the way they want it to be?

Despite this solid research (and plenty of other studies on the impact of alcohol), the media are still freely advertising alcohol. They are wealthy companies sponsoring the largest sporting and entertainment events. And now we know that our hospitals and pharmaceutical industries are also cashing in on the profits of our compromised health.

It can be difficult to change when society has conditioned us to believe that our current standard or drinking isn’t wrong, but you’ll feel the difference when you do.  A self-proclaimed, “the kids are out” drinker challenged herself to put a stop to the wine after she realized she was getting a bit heavy-handed with the bottle.

Within the challenge, she stopped yoyo dieting, lost weight, dealt with her past emotional trauma, her blood pressure is back on track, and she now has a mindset of continually striving to be better.

With this new information, we now also know she saved herself from hospitalization or premature death. What could this do for you, your friends, or your family?

How to stop low-level drinking

Of course, quitting alcohol altogether is the healthiest choice for you, but that’s not always realistic. Drinking is a social engagement, and it takes immense behavioral change to be able to go cold turkey.

Low-risk drinkers often think that they’re drinking isn’t a problem, so there’s no motivation to change. You’re not hurting your family, right? So why should you stop doing something you enjoy.

Others may not know what you now know, and they will likely protest when you tell them. Similar to those working their way through a weight loss journey, people just aren’t always happy about your positive, transformational change.

If you’re feeling the pressure from laying off the drink, here are some techniques that you can employ until you’ve gained the confidence to share what you know:

  • Bring kombucha to the party! It looks like beer from the outside, and it can be better for your gut.
  • Enjoy sparkling water with lime at bars. No one will know there’s no vodka in it.
  • When slowing down, drink one alcoholic beverage, one non-alcoholic beverage until you’re comfortable enough to quit altogether.
  • Set boundaries with your partner and friends. Share what you’ve learned and ask for their support.

Of course, if cold turkey and sharing what you know works for you from the get-go – that’s great! There are also plenty of other resources out there to help you feel the way that you’re meant to feel.

Full of energy, life, generosity, and certainly not like you’re dying. It’s time to put a stop to the social expectations that others have of you and live an alcohol-free life full of vitality.

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