Reverse disease with a proven therapy to eliminate life-threatening cancers and terminal liver disease

(NaturalHealth365) Few people outside of the scientific community have even heard of it. Yet, the unique antioxidant alpha lipoic acid has established a proven history of regenerating organ tissue plus eliminating some of the deadliest of cancers, including cancerous cells found in the liver and pancreas.
Curing cancer with ALA. On the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman will feature Dr. Burt Berkson, M.D., Ph.D. – who has been successfully curing patients of so-called ‘terminal’ conditions for years. Find out how using alpha lipoic acid therapy can help you restore healthy liver function and rid the body of life-threatening diseases.
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A medical doctor on a mission to save lives
In the 1970s, Dr. Berkson started his work with terminal liver disease patients, but later helped people with a variety of life-threatening diseases and conditions. So, why have you not heard of this miracle treatment?
Since the time he cured his first two patients, Dr. Berkson has generated little fanfare for his breakthrough treatments. Of course, we can thank the established United States medical community, and a profit-driven drug industry, unwilling and unreceptive to low-cost treatments that sway from established, standard high-cost procedures.
You’d be surprised to hear what Dr. Berkson has been told (to his face) about his natural approach toward practicing medicine. One doctor even told him to ‘shut up’ and just ‘quietly do his research’ – because the money they make is focused on liver transplants, NOT making people healthy. (I guess that’s bad for business)
On the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman will be talking with Dr. Burt Berkson, M.D., Ph.D., published author and expert consultant to the Centers for Disease Control on alpha lipoic acid and liver poisoning, and the miraculous results he has seen from alpha lipoic acid therapy. He will also be sharing his views on the medical establishment that continues to give alternative treatments the cold shoulder.
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The medical community places greater value on drug profits over saving lives with natural protocols
Imagine being told you had late stage liver or pancreatic cancer, and that it had metastasized. Your medical provider has given you only a couple of months to live. But then, in your desperate search to preserve your life, you come across an alternative treatment using alpha lipoic acid.
You undergo the treatments and your cancer is eliminated, restoring your health. So, why was the treatment not offered as an option to you through your regular provider or oncologist?
Since curing two patients dying of liver poisoning as a young resident in internal medicine at a teaching hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, Dr. Berkson has experienced a cold reception to his use of alpha lipoic acid treatments for liver disease, cancer and other illnesses. Yet, he has published incredible results in scientific medical journals throughout Europe. Like the paper he published in the journal Integrative Cancer Therapies about a woman with pancreatic cancer that had metastasize to her liver.
Remarkable results from a natural protocol for eliminating cancer
This woman had been given no hope for survival. After first seeing her in December, Dr. Berkson began treating her. By May, the tumors in her pancreas had disappeared and the spread to her liver had vanished.
Another example: A man in his 40s, who walked into Dr. Berkson’s office after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer – which also had metastasized to his liver. Within three months of treatment through Dr. Berkson, the man was able to go back to work. Eight years later, he still shows no sign of cancer. Dr. Berkson published the case in a 2007 issue of Integrative Cancer Therapies.
Despite these incredible results, and many more like them, Dr. Berkson’s work with alpha lipoic acid has failed to gain widespread acceptance by the established medical community. The answer, Dr. Berkson believes, lies in the unwillingness of conventional medicine to consider options outside what are considered to be “standards of treatment.” He even relates how egotistical attitudes about accepting new ideas and the learning process can play into reception to alternative treatments within conventional medicine – a phenomenon mostly limited to the U.S. healthcare industry.
The pharmaceutical industry has created a brilliant way to control the intelligence of most doctors
Scientific journals in the U.S. have also shown little interest in natural healing protocols, likely driven by pharmaceutical companies ignoring alpha lipoic acid research because there are no big profits to be had. Without the backing of big pharma, scientific journals know there is little hope for added revenue from drug company advertising.
Dr. Berkson points out that pharmaceutical companies are driven by large profits. A low-cost, natural treatment like alpha lipoic acid is not going to garner attention from big pharma because there are not big profits to be made, making it unappealing to bring to the marketplace.
Don’t let big pharma control your health. Discover how alpha lipoic acid can spur organ tissue regeneration and eliminate the threat of cancer. This program will inspire you – like nothing you’ve ever heard before. Join us for a great show!
This week’s guest: Dr. Burt Berkson, M.D., Ph.D., expert in natural medicine
Discover how to REVERSE life-threatening conditions like cancer and liver disease – Sun. Feb. 28
Dr. Berkson has both an M.D. degree and a Ph.D., the latter in microbiology. He serves as the expert consultant on alpha lipoic acid and liver poisoning for the Centers for Disease Control. He has published scientific papers in medical journals throughout Europe, and is a prominent scientific writer, researcher, and sought-after speaker.
Dr. Berkson is the author of several books, including The Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough. He is also the former principal FDA investigator for the intravenous use of alpha lipoic acid, a post he held for 23 years. Dr. Berkson practices nutritional and integrative medicine in New Mexico, where he sees patients from around the globe. He has worked as a researcher and professor at several institutions, including the Max Planck Institute, the University of Illinois and Rutgers University. He is also an adjunct professor at New Mexico State University and Oklahoma State University College of Medicine.
About the author: Jonathan Landsman is the host of, the NaturalNews Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show and the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE – a monthly subscription to the brightest minds in natural health and healing.
Reaching hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, as a personal health consultant, writer and radio talk show host – Jonathan has been educating the public on the health benefits of an organic (non-GMO) diet along with high-quality supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits including exercise and meditation.