Kale just got exposed as a super-toxic veggie

(NaturalHealth365) The “dirty dozen.” No, we’re not talking about the 1960s movie staring Lee Marvin. This dubious nickname is given to the top kinds of conventionally-grown produce that are loaded with harmful pesticides. But, the big surprise, for those following the dirty dozen list (each year) is the number 3 spot – earned by kale.
The list for 2018, which is updated every year by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), included spinach, tomatoes, pears, cherries, celery, potatoes and bell peppers.
One type of produce that almost always tops the list is the strawberry. But, in EWG’s new 2019 list, kale has made its grand appearance.
Warning: The ‘dirty dozen‘ list features kale – contaminated with high levels of pesticides
As you probably know, the vast majority of conventionally grown produce are loaded with pesticides. This is a serious public health concern recognized by many organizations and researchers.
Multiple studies show that chronic pesticide exposure is linked with a host of cancer-causing and endocrine-disrupting adverse effects, including reduced fertility, cancer, autism, ADHD, diabetes, and impaired fetal development.
Unfortunately, the most recent EWG’s analysis found that the typical conventionally-grown kale sample had – on average – at least 5 (and up to 18) different pesticides – even after the veggie was thoroughly washed!
60% of the conventional kale samples (found in grocery stores all over America) also tested positive for a herbicide called DCPA (brand name Dacthal). DCPA has been recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a possible carcinogen.
Another 30% of the kale samples tested by EWG contained insecticides called bifenthrin and cypermethrin, which the EPA also recognizes as possible carcinogens.
It’s bad enough that these chemicals are getting into our grocery carts and, ipso facto, into our loved ones’ systems. The situation is even more dire for the farmers who have to work directly with these agrochemicals.
Evidence has linked pesticide exposure in farmers to an increased risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and other health problems, including unpleasant side effects like headaches, nausea, and numbness and tingling in the limbs.
Check out these 5 amazing health benefits of this (organic) leafy green
Most health conscious consumers will agree – the increased costs of purchasing organic and locally grown food is a worthwhile investment, since it drastically reduces their and their loved ones’ exposure to harmful pesticides.
So ditch the conventionally grown kale – a leafy green superfood from the cabbage family – and opt for organic instead. This way, you and your loved ones will get to take advantage of these 5 noted health benefits:
- Kale contains a powerful antioxidant called alpha-lipoic acid – which increases insulin sensitivity, prevents oxidative stress, and supports healthy mitochondria
- It’s a good source of fiber – which is essential for gut health and weight loss (one cup of cooked kale contains 2.6 grams)
- It’s a great source of potassium – which reduces the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease and may also protect against bone mineral loss and muscle weakness (one cup of cooked kale has 296 mg of this important mineral)
- It contains chlorophyll – which binds to carcinogenic compounds produced by grilling animal protein and prevents the body from absorbing them (so add some kale to your meal if you’re having pasture-raised steaks or free-range chicken!)
- Lastly, kale is rich in beta-carotene – which is converted into vitamin A in the body and supports healthy hair, eyes, and skin (one cup of cooked kale contains 17,707 International Units of vitamin A, not to mention 53.3 mg of vitamin C)
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