7-day juice diet to successfully detoxify the body

(NaturalHealth365) I’m doing a juice cleanse (right now) and although I’ve done this many times before I still benefit every time. I’m a busy guy and it’s not always easy for me to always do what’s best for my body. That’s why I love doing these 7 day juice cleanses and I’m inviting you to join me along the way
I’m not saying I can’t do it solo, I have and my book: Sproutman’s 7-day Just Juice Diet, lays out the day by day program so you can do it too. But, for the beginner, there are always distractions and excuses not to do something that is outside the normal routine.
Start a juice fast today: Group classes forming now!
Click here to register now for a guided, 7-Day Juice Cleanse – organized by Sproutman Steve Meyerowitz.
What am I doing to detoxify the body? Already this morning I have taken my water flush and now I’m doing my vitamin C flush. Later I will take my liver cleanse drink.
After that, I’ve got all my green juices lined up and ready to go. I’ve got one with kale, one with Spinach. I make these green juices taste like liquid salads. I add lemon, garlic or ginger, and a tablespoon of tamari. So, it’s like drinking a salad!
A special opportunity for 26 people to detoxify today
Twenty six folks are invited to do this cleanse with me – right now. It really helps to have the support of a group. If you’ve never done a live webinar, it’s just like a real classroom, you can see my slides, ask me questions, and hear and see the other people.
A lot of people who do this kind of thing fly to far away spas in beautiful places. That’s ideal. But I developed this because I needed an affordable cleanse that allows me to maintain 90% of my normal working schedule. It’s a cleanse I can do while working and while at home. How nice is that?!
Click here to register now for a guided, 7-Day Juice Cleanse – organized by Sproutman Steve Meyerowitz.
Question: How much weight will I lose?
I am always amazed at how this simple one week break strengthens my digestion and improves my diet. It’s a diet and lifestyle improvement inspired by a one week reboot and an increased commitment to recapture the feelings of youthfulness and energy. Although I don’t hawk this as a weight loss program, we can lose up to 2 pounds per day. Of course, people ask: Will the weight stay off?
Overweight folks say the more they repeat the cleanse, the more the pounds stay off. But, it’s not a magic potion. This is just a simple way to clear away unwanted toxins and energize your metabolism.
Positive changes to last a lifetime
You gradually slim down by making incremental improvements to your diet and lifestyle. Sure, a one-week cleanse is not going to wipe away decades worth of health problems. But, going on a 7-day juice diet will definitely begin the process and move you in the right direction.
Tomorrow is my last day of juice fasting, but it will take another 3 days for me to transition back to my regular diet. Many folks never fully return to their previous diet. This one week off is powerful enough to change habits.
Feeling ready to get started? You can start this cleanse anytime you’re ready. My book 7 Day Just Juice Diet is a self-help guide or you can sign up for my online group juice cleanse today. Register now – classes begin soon!