Jonathan Landsman hosts the Immune Defense Summit, FREE and online starting July 24

(NaturalHealth365) The best defense against illness and disease is a strong immune system. Unfortunately, according to Jonathan Landsman, host of NaturalHealth365, too many so-called ‘health’ organizations and government agencies fail to emphasize this reality. As a result, most people are uninformed about the importance of immune system health and how to best support it.
The Immune Defense Summit is on a mission to change all of that. Starting Mon. July 24, this 7-day, FREE online event, hosted by Jonathan Landsman will forever change the way we view infectious and chronic disease. The summit presents 36 world-class experts in integrative medicine, science and the healing arts for one lifesaving event.
Watch this video and register today! (share this link with your family and friends)
Drug-resistant bacteria are expected to cause more deaths than cancer by the year 2050, yet this outcome IS avoidable
There are an estimated 700,000 superbug infection-related deaths in the world – every year – with more expected to develop, if we don’t change modern healthcare practices. As more and more people become resistant to the use of antibiotics, there is less that can be done for infections, conventionally speaking.
The Immune Defense Summit will include important information about antibiotic resistance and what you can do about it. You’ll learn the top strategies for rejuvenating your immune system to help fight superbugs, viruses, and chronic disease issues.
Margaret Chan, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) recently said, “the rise of antimicrobial resistance is a global crisis, recognized as one of the greatest threats to health today.” In other words, we are fast approaching a time when even common ailments could become major health risks. Conditions once considered minor, such as strep throat or a child’s scraped knee, could actually be deadly in persons with a compromised immune system.
No doubt, waiting for the ‘latest wonder drug’ from Western medicine could prove to be a deadly mistake. This is why we should make the effort (now) to educate ourselves on the best strategies to strengthen our immunity and avoid the need for toxic (ineffective) medications.
Reserve your FREE spot at the Immune Defense Summit – starting Mon. Jul. 24th.
Your immune system must be strong to protect you against disease, according to Jonathan Landsman
FACT: Many chronic diseases are avoidable with a strong immune system. Cancer, heart disease, dementia and autoimmune disorders as well as common pathogens like the flu, measles and pneumonia can all be overcome (or prevented) if your immune system has what it needs to stay healthy.
The Immune Defense Summit will reveal how to you can protect yourself against the threat of infectious diseases – including specific nutritional protocols that could literally save your life.
For example, be sure to tune into the last day of the event (Sun. Jul. 31) – when you’ll discover how one man was on the brink of death, yet fully recovered thanks to a simple (inexpensive) nutritional protocol. This one story alone will leave you speechless! (and, inspired to take better care of yourself)
In addition, you’ll discover:
• Infectious disease solutions (without toxic drugs)
• Latest advances in immune protective protocols
• How to stop the threat of colds, flu and pneumonia
• Alarming vaccine news (and safe alternatives)
• Strategies to reverse disease symptoms at the root cause
• Plus, much more!
Don’t become a medical statistic due to a lack of education. If you want to arm yourself against chronic disease and the looming threat of superbugs that are resistant to antibiotics, don’t miss the Immune Defense Summit – starting Mon. Jul. 24th.
Remember, the best offense against any disease is a strong defense.
When you register for the Immune Defense Summit – you’ll receive INSTANT access to several FREE “registration gifts” including the following exclusive interviews: “How Chronic Infections Block Detox;” “Vital Tools to Correct Immune Problems” and “Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance.”
About Jonathan Landsman, host of the Immune Defense Summit and NaturalHealth365
For over 30 years, Jonathan Landsman has been in the health and fitness industry and is the host of – one of the most popular natural health web sites in the world. Attracting nearly 500,000 people per month, NaturalHealth365 offers a free newsletter, weekly podcasts and weekend health shows – which reveal the very best news about natural health and science.
Jonathan is also the creator and host of the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE, a monthly subscription program that offers over 400 audio and video programs (and growing every month) – featuring over 200 of the world’s finest integrative healthcare providers talking about natural ways to detoxify the body and reverse disease symptoms – without the need for expensive medications or risky medical procedures.