Is the fake meat empire collapsing? Startling revelations point to a bleak future

fake-meat-empire-on-the-brink-of-collapse(NaturalHealth365)  Ever since Bill Gates became one of the largest owners of American farmland owning a whopping 270,000 acres as of May 2022 – many have cast a suspicious eye on the proliferation of highly processed plant-based meat alternatives made with GMO soy and other controversial ingredients.  Is synthetic meat just another attempt to push profits at the expense of human and environmental health?  How safe and healthy are these fake foods, really?

After some recent major shake-ups in the fake meat industry, many people are speculating that the questionable empire is already (and thankfully) headed for the hills.

Fake meat industry is failing in the eyes (and mouths) of consumers and government regulators

Labeled a “flop” in a January 18, 2023 article by Bloomberg, the fake meat industry appears to be tumbling before our eyes.  Shares for Impossible Foods, maker of the highly-touted “Impossible Burger,” are tanking and currently trading at half the price of its last fundraising round.  Plus, Bloomberg reports the company recently laid off 20% of its workforce.

The Impossible Burger, by the way, is made with soy leghemoglobin (SLH).  This compound is included in fake meat products chiefly for a rather gruesome aesthetic reason – namely, to make fake meat look raw and bleeding.  But according to the website GM Watch, SLH (which is derived from genetically-modified yeast) has been shown in animal models to be associated with health issues like anemia, kidney disease, and weight gain.

Furthermore, GM Watch notes that in 2015, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) disagreed with Impossible Foods’s claim that SLH is GRAS (“Generally Recognized as Safe”).  In a statement made available by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, the FDA stated that it “believes that the arguments presented, individually and collectively, do not establish the safety of SLH for consumption, nor do they point to a general recognition of safety.”

But even though Impossible Burger hit the consumer market anyway, it might not be for much longer.  Children’s Health Defense (CHD) recently reported that the European Patent Office (EPO) just revoked Impossible Foods’ European Union patent.  The patent, CHD explains, is not for SLH specifically but more of a “broad patent on food products containing iron complexes such as heme-containing proteins, combined with flavor precursor molecules.”

Many suspect that this is a harbinger of more failures to come for the synthetic meat “fad.”

Let’s face it: If they’re going to have meat, consumers want the real thing

There are plenty of valid reasons not to eat meat, be it environmental, ethical, and/or personal preference.  And if you do choose to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, you’re encouraged to avoid highly processed “meat alternatives” and instead enjoy the diverse, nutrient-rich palate that plant foods can offer you.

The same can be said, of course, for readers who still want to include meat and animal products in their diet – that is, avoid the more health-harming, calorically dense, and nutrient-poor processed foods, especially processed meats … and “fake” meats, for that matter!

Instead, as your budget and availability allow, opt for things like ethically raised, grass-fed beef and other meats, wild-caught fish, and eggs from free-range, pasture-raised chickens.  And since we all know we vote most loudly with our dollars, give your business to companies that are practicing sustainable farming and animal-rearing practices.

In the face of greedy individuals like, Bill Gates – who care little for public health and safety … the smaller farmers and ranchers need our support more than ever.

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