Insulin potentiation therapy (IPT) for cancer patients

(NaturalHealth365) According to integrative oncologist Dr. Jonathan Stegall, “Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT),” or “low-dose chemotherapy” is one of the safest and most innovative approaches to treating cancer.”
Those who promote and use it claim that, although it technically is a form of chemo, it has none of the short-term nor long-term side effects of traditional cancer treatments, such as hair loss, liver damage, DNA mutation and immune suppression.
“…it is appealing to patients who recognize the need for chemotherapy but want to do it in a safer, gentler manner,” says Stegall.
Insulin Potentiated Therapy (IPT) capitalizes on cancers’ need for glucose
The hormone insulin is made by the pancreas and helps regulate blood sugar levels. It allowing your body to use glucose (i.e. sugar) extracted from carbohydrates for energy, or to store it for future use. It can be thought of as a “key” that unlocks cells, allowing sugar to enter.
Unless a person is on a ketogenic diet (where the body will burn ketones, not glucose, for energy), all cells use converted sugar molecules for fuel. You may recall, however, that cancer cells have a much higher need for glucose than regular cells do. In fact, cancer cells have been shown to have up to 20 times more cellular receptors for insulin on their surface than normal cells. This is because, while healthy cells use an aerobic process to survive, cancer uses an anaerobic process, which requires heavy amounts of glucose.
IPT takes advantage of cancer’s need for glucose and its high number of insulin receptors by using insulin itself as a means by which to carry chemotherapy drugs directly into cancer cells. The insulin itself can be thought of as a delivery system for conventional chemotherapy.
But why doesn’t this cause harm to healthy cells? After all, normal cells need glucose as well and they use insulin for energy conversion too.
The chemotherapy used in IPT does not harm healthy cells for two reasons:
1. Because cancer cells, as stated above, have significantly more insulin receptors than health cells – and these cells are always hungry for sugar – they will consistently outcompete normal cell’s for this valuable resource.
2. Because IPT is a “targeted chemo” modality, integrated oncologists are able to use significantly less chemotherapy drugs for the treatment. For example, 5-Fluorouracil is a common chemo drug used for breast cancer. In conventional treatment, 1,500 mg is a normal dose. For a IPT session, however, the typical dose is only 200 mg. The chemotherapy is “potentiated” by using the insulin to increase the permeability of cancer cells.
The right IPT doctor will supplement IPT with other healing modalities
Most doctors that suggest and monitor IPT procedures for cancer are integrated oncologists who are well aware of the need for you to strengthen and help your liver to detoxify after IPT. If they do not compliment IPT with nutritional advice and perhaps other modalities (such as IV vitamin C), find another doctor!
In addition, while oncologists in the early years of IPT had to induce an “insulin coma” in order for it to do its job of delivering the chemo once it was introduced, this is no longer the case. A qualified integrative oncologist will be able to lower blood sugar safely with strict monitoring and then bring it back up in a way that is both comfortable and safe for you.
Be sure to follow the sound advice of your integrated health care professional. In general, however, here are FOUR KEY STEPS you can take when you are on a healing path:
1. Juicing: Give your digestive system a break while at the same time filling your body with essential nutrients. Juicing with ginger, turmeric, lemon, green apple and leafy greens while avoiding fruits that are too sugary is a good strategy.
2. Stress reduction techniques: Dealing with cancer is probably one of the most stressful experiences you will have to deal with in your life. Take the time every day to breathe, walk in nature or practice a specific stress-relieving modality such as EFT.
3. Supplementing with vitamins and minerals that can gently help you detoxify is also key. Getting in a fair amount of wheatgrass, spirulina or chlorella every day is a good place to start to detoxify.
4. Avoid sugar and processed foods. This should go without saying. As mentioned above, sugar is cancer’s fuel source so do everything you can to reduce or, better yet, completely avoid all sugar. This includes honey and high-fructose fruits as well as sources of simple carbs like pasta.
Doctors have used Insulin Potentiation Therapy for almost 100 years.
Believe it or not, forward-thinking doctors have been perfecting IPT’s use since the 1930’s. Since then, the basic concept of using insulin as a delivery mechanism for low-dose drugs has been adapted for a variety of conditions. For example, insulin can be used to potentiate the input of DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) in the same way that low-dose chemo is used. Insulin is also used to “potentiate” anti-viral drugs.
I believe in using natural protocols for healing whenever possible. On the other hand, depending on your particular situation, sometimes you “have to use a firehose to put the fire out.” If you are considering using Insulin Potentiation Therapy for your healing journey, be sure to connect with the integrative oncologist that is right for you. This is absolutely key for your success if you decide to do IPT.
Editor’s note: There are many integrative healthcare providers that have equally strong reservations about the value of IPT. This is a deeply personal decision about which course of treatment is best for you. Do your own research and always make an informed decision.
About the author: Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of the 7 Essentials System ™, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal Breast Cancer Naturally. To get your F.R.E.E. 7 day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of Natural Medicine, visit: