Children exposed to insecticide are almost 50% more likely to get childhood cancer

(NaturalHealth365) Children exposed to insecticide and pesticides can be as much as 50 percent more at risk for cancer than other children, studies indicate.
Data from 16 past studies comparing the link between pesticide exposure and the development of childhood cancer showed that kids exposed to insecticides or pesticides indoors were 43 percent more likely to have lymphoma and 47 percent more likely to have leukemia. Exposure indoors caused an even higher risk than exposure outdoors in a yard or garden.
Studies confirm the deadly risk of pesticide exposure
Studies conducted in North America, Europe, Africa and Australia all yielded research results that confirm the deadly risk of insecticide and pesticide exposure for human beings and children in particular. Their smaller physical size makes the impact of these chemicals more profound and detrimental. The main cancers caused by pesticides and insecticides are leukemia and lymphoma.
While lymphoma and leukemia are considered relatively rare – around five kids out of 100,000 get leukemia in the U.S. – they are still among the most common kinds of childhood cancer. Childhood cancer in general is on the rise, and it is likely that insecticide and pesticide exposure is part of the cause.
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Researchers speculate that pesticide and insecticide exposure may also be driving up rates of other cancers like bladder and prostate cancer. The link between pesticide exposure and these cancers hasn’t been studied as extensively and it’s possible that exposure at an early age could lead to these kinds of cancers developing later in life after the child reaches adulthood.
The fact that indoor use of these chemicals was connected to increased risk for deadly cancers is presumably because there is less fresh air circulation to dilute the potency and presence of pesticides and insecticides. Those sprayed around the home for pest control seem to be the most damaging, according to researchers. Pesticides can be breathed in or ingested if children get them on their hands and eat or put their hands in their mouths.
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Another way children can become exposed is if parents perform jobs, such as farming where they are exposed to herbicides or pesticides and bring them into the home. Kids under the age of 12 seem to be at the highest risk and most vulnerable to the cancer-causing effects of these chemicals.
This data strongly suggests the need for policies in all nations around the world to limit exposure to insect killing chemicals for children at their homes and schools. Until then, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency advises not overusing pesticides and insecticides around the home and also keeping kids, pets and toys away from the sprayed area as long as possible.
An even better solution is to find natural ways to control pests and avoid using these deadly chemicals altogether. Because, let’s face it, the cleaner your immediate air space is – the better.
Editor’s note: The future of cleaning has arrived! Click here to discover a healthier way to clean your home with probiotics.