Herbal medicine news: Pau d’arco neutralizes a wide variety of infections

(NaturalHealth365) Have you heard of the benefits of pau d’arco? It could just be one of the most powerful types of herbal medicine.
Tinctures made from pau d’arco tree bark can help to treat a range of health conditions from minor to severe. These include colds, flu, cough, fever, anemia, colitis, rheumatism, boils and malaria. This herbal medicine also offers relief from respiratory issues, fungal infections, snakebite, poor circulation, arthritis, rheumatism, syphilis, and even serious conditions like diabetes and cancer.
Lush, tropical Tabebuia tree yields abundance of pau d’arco benefits
The pau d’arco tree, a part of the Tabebuia genus, grows in tropical regions including the Amazon rainforest as well as other regions of South America and Latin America. This large canopy tree grows up to 25 yards high and the base of the tree can be 3 or more yards in diameter.
While this tree yields durable wood and is lush and beautiful as part of the tropical landscape, it is also known for its medicinal qualities. In fact, it has been used in herbal medicine throughout South America by indigenous tribes for thousands of years.
Powerful herbal medicine: A natural way to destroy infections
This tropical tree bark has potent antibacterial qualities and is effective against fungi, viruses and parasites as well as bacteria. It also reduces inflammation and pain while enhancing the immune system, thinning the blood, and drying secretions. This compound also has analgesic, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.
The list of pau d’arco benefits goes on. Other ailments and conditions assisted by pau d’arco include ulcers, psoriasis, allergies, urinary tract infections, candida, prostatitis, dysentery and stomatitis.
Pau d’arco benefits include anticancer properties
Perhaps most notably, pau d’arco bark has also been shown effective in fighting cancer in the human body. It seems to induce apotopsis, or programmed cell death in cancer cells. Additionally, pau d’arco helps to attack the harmful free radicals that can often lead to cancer. It has been shown to reduce tumor size in persons who have cancer.
In a 1980 study, an extract of pau d’arco called lapachol was given to persons with a range of cancers including kidney, liver, breast, cervix and prostate. The compound was shown to shrink tumors as well as reduce associated pain. Three of the nine patients studied also experienced total remissions of their cancer.
Pau d’arco cleanses the liver and may help prevent Parkinson’s disease
Some herbal medicine systems employ pau d’arco against liver disease due to its hepatotonic (liver-protecting) effects. It has also been used to help fight Hodgkin’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
The main side effects reported with pau d’arco use include gastrointestinal effects like nausea and vomiting. It also has “anti-vitamin K” activity that could pose a problem in persons taking blood thinners.
The recommended dosage of pau d’arco is a tincture of 2 to 3 ml two to three times daily, but ideal dosage can vary. Pau d’arco is also available as a tea. Naturally, it’s a good idea to consult your trusted, healthcare provider before taking pau d’arco or any other type of herbal medicine.