Learn how vitamin C therapy neutralizes toxins

Learn how vitamin C therapy neutralizes toxins

(NaturalHealth365) Some of the most serious health concerns to plague American society could be slowed, or even cured, with one well-known, natural nutrient. Research by renowned scientists across the years has produced solid evidence that vitamin C has significant powers when it comes to ridding the body of toxins and improving health.

Unfortunately, the medical community was built on costly, invasive treatments and technologies, and that is not likely to change. But with vitamin C readily accessible, you can reap its benefits and take greater responsibility for your own health.

A simple way to boost immunity and avoid chronic disease symptoms

“Intravenous vitamin C has additional properties above and beyond what vitamin C does. But, just vitamin C – taken orally – is so effective at helping to detoxify the body and helping to boost the immune system,” says Ronald Hunninghake, M.D.

Dr. Hunninghake is an internationally recognized expert on vitamin C and a presenter at the Holistic Oral Health Summit – which features 33 of the world’s top experts in integrative medicine and natural healthcare.

You may be surprised to learn where most chronic illnesses start. “All the major chronic illnesses that consume most of the aging population in our country are due to poor mouth health,” says Dr. Hunninghake.

Dr. Linus Pauling, famous for using vitamin C to treat cancer and heart disease, is among a number of renowned scientists whose research and experiments support the use of Vitamin C to treat chronic illness. Dr. Pauling believed vitamin C, coupled with lysine, was capable of nearly wiping out conditions like heart attack, stroke or cardiovascular disease.

While intravenously administered vitamin C is known to be effective in management and treatment of cancer, the vitamin’s larger notoriety for healing can be traced to its effectiveness in boosting immunity and detoxifying the body. Although its use is not typically promoted by conventional medicine, proponents of vitamin C consider it an exceptional treatment for any chronic infection.

How much vitamin C should I take?

Most individuals will be able to gain benefits of vitamin C by following Pauling’s recommended dose of 1 gram, twice per day. Those who are suffering a serious illness, however, should consider having a trusted healthcare provider administer vitamin C intravenously. Because, in reality, a sick person may need much more vitamin C to feel better.

If you are planning to take vitamin C orally (great), however, you may want to consider looking into the “multi-C protocol“.  Keep in mind, if you have any digestive disturbances, you simply have to adjust the dosage to remain comfortable – on a steady basis.

Editor’s note: The NaturalHealth365 Store offers the finest quality vitamin C powder on the market.  Click here to order today.

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