Healing Foods Database » Ginger


Ginger is a flowering plant whose rhizome, ginger root or ginger, is widely used as a spice and a folk medicine. It is a herbaceous perennial which grows annual pseudostems about a meter tall bearing narrow leaf blades

Health Benefits

  • Ginger is a popular spice. It is high in gingerol, a substance with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

  • 1-1.5 grams of ginger can help prevent various types of nausea. This applies to sea sickness, chemotherapy-related nausea, nausea after surgery and morning sickness.

  • Ginger appears to be effective at reducing the day-to-day progression of muscle pain, and may reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness.

  • There are some studies showing ginger to be effective at reducing symptoms of osteoarthritis, which is a very common health problem.

  • Ginger has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and improve various heart disease risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes.

  • Ginger appears to speed up emptying of the stomach, which can be beneficial for people with indigestion and related stomach discomfort.

  • Ginger appears to be very effective against menstrual pain when taken at the beginning of the menstrual period.

Nutrition Details

  • N/A
    • Amount per serving: N/A
    • Serving size: N/A

NaturalHealth365 Articles About (or that mention) "Ginger"

10 extraordinary health benefits of ginger you need to know

(NaturalHealth365)  Ginger has long been recognized as a flavorful and versatile herb 10 extraordinary health benefits of ginger you need to know

Spice up your cancer defense: Ginger and chili block cancer cell growth

(NaturalHealth365)  Both ginger and chili are delicious spices with well-known healing properties.  Spice up your cancer defense: Ginger and chili block cancer cell growth

Wow! New study shows ginger combats Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairment

(NaturalHealth365) Alzheimer’s disease, a neurodegenerative condition that impairs memory and cognitive abilities, Wow! New study shows ginger combats Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairment


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Please Note:

We always recommend organic, local foods and all of the information contained in our healing foods database is based on organic varieties of each healing food you find here.

Description Credit: Wikipedia. Wikipedia is used only for general food descriptions and we do not endorse Wikipedia as a source for other health-related information.