Healing Foods Database » Broccoli
Health Benefits
Eating a high amount of cruciferous vegetables has been associated with a lower risk of cancer; particularly lung and colon cancer. Studies have suggested that sulforaphane, the sulfur-containing compound that gives cruciferous vegetables their bitter bite, is also what gives them their cancer-fighting power.
Poor vitamin K intake is linked with a higher risk of bone fracture. Just one cup of chopped broccoli provides 92 micrograms of vitamin K, well over 100 percent of your daily need. Consuming an adequate amount of vitamin K improves bone health by improving calcium absorption and reducing urinary excretion of calcium.
The antioxidant vitamin C, when eaten in its natural form (in fresh produce as opposed to supplements) can help to fight skin damage caused by the sun and pollution, reduce wrinkles, and improve overall skin texture.
Eating foods with a natural fiber like broccoli can prevent constipation, maintain a healthy digestive tract, and lower the risk of colon cancer. Adequate fiber promotes regularity, which is crucial for the daily excretion of toxins through the bile and stool. Recent studies have shown that dietary fiber may also play a role in regulating the immune system and inflammation.
Nutrition Details
- Potassium
- Amount per serving: 288mg
- Serving size: 1 cup
- Vitamin A
- Amount per serving: 11%
- Serving size: 1 cup
- Calcium
- Amount per serving: 4%
- Serving size: 1 cup
- Vitamin C
- Amount per serving: 135%
- Serving size: 1 cup
- Iron
- Amount per serving: 3%
- Serving size: 1 cup
- Vitamin B-6
- Amount per serving: 10%
- Serving size: 1 cup
- Magnesium
- Amount per serving: 4%
- Serving size: 1 cup
NaturalHealth365 Articles About (or that mention) "Broccoli"

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We always recommend organic, local foods and all of the information contained in our healing foods database is based on organic varieties of each healing food you find here.
Description Credit: Wikipedia. Wikipedia is used only for general food descriptions and we do not endorse Wikipedia as a source for other health-related information.