Healing Foods Database » Beets
Health Benefits
Beetroot is of exceptional nutritional value; especially the greens, which are rich in calcium, iron and vitamins A and C. Beetroots are an excellent source of folic acid and a very good source of fibre, manganese and potassium. The greens should not be overlooked; they can be cooked up and enjoyed in the same way as spinach.
Beetroot is rich in fibre, exerting favourable effects on bowel function, which may assist in preventing constipation and help to lower cholesterol levels too.
Heart health and blood pressure: A 2008 study published in Hypertension examined the effects of ingesting 500 milliliters of beetroot juice in healthy volunteers and found that blood pressure was significantly lowered after ingestion.
Dementia: Researchers at Wake Forest University have found that drinking juice from beetroot can improve oxygenation to the brain, slowing the progression of dementia in older adults.
Diabetes: Beets contain an antioxidant known as alpha-lipoic acid, which may help lower glucose levels, increase insulin sensitivity and prevent oxidative stress-induced changes in patients with diabetes.
Studies on alpha-lipoic acid have also shown a decrease in symptoms of peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy in people with diabetes.5
Nutrition Details
- Potassium
- Amount per serving: 442mg
- Serving size: 1 cup
- Calcium
- Amount per serving: 2%
- Serving size: 1 cup
- Vitamin C
- Amount per serving: 11%
- Serving size: 1 cup
- Iron
- Amount per serving: 6%
- Serving size: 1 cup
- Vitamin B-6
- Amount per serving: 5%
- Serving size: 1 cup
- Magnesium
- Amount per serving: 7%
- Serving size: 1 cup
NaturalHealth365 Articles About (or that mention) "Beets"

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Please Note:
We always recommend organic, local foods and all of the information contained in our healing foods database is based on organic varieties of each healing food you find here.
Description Credit: Wikipedia. Wikipedia is used only for general food descriptions and we do not endorse Wikipedia as a source for other health-related information.