The hidden truth about glyphosate EXPOSED, according to undeniable scientific evidence

(Naturalhealth365) According to research scientist Stephanie Seneff, PhD, autism – which she calls “the most pressing disease in the world today” – could affect 50 percent of the children born in the United States by the year 2025. And, although many in the corporately-controlled scientific community roll their eyes at such a warning, Dr. Seneff believes that glyphosate has a lot to do with the problem.
To arrive at her chilling prediction, Dr. Seneff reports that she merely extended the exponential curve that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has employed in their research on rates of autism spectrum disorder over the past three decades. In 2014, the CDC released data on the prevalence of autism in the United States, reporting that the condition affects one in 68 children.
Dr. Seneff maintains that skyrocketing autism rates are linked with glyphosate, the toxic herbicide in Monsanto’s Roundup. In addition to autism, Dr. Seneff reports that glyphosate has been linked to a plethora of diseases and conditions, including ADHD, food allergies, asthma, leaky gut, IBD, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, heart disease and cancer. Glyphosate’s effect on human health, says Dr. Seneff, is nothing short of “devastating.”
Don’t miss the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, when Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Seneff expose the ugly truth about glyphosate – like you’ve never heard before and why the chemical companies desperately want to hide this truth.
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Glyphosate is a “sleeper” toxin that is much more dangerous than originally believed
Glyphosate, which has been classified as a “probable carcinogen” by the World Health Organization (WHO), was originally developed as a heavy metal chelation agent, intended to clear pipes. It was then patented as an anti-microbial agent – before eventually being employed as a weed-killer.
Pervasively used in agriculture, glyphosate is routinely sprayed on wheat, soy, corn, canola oil, beets, peanuts and legumes to increase yields. In fact, all food that is not organically grown ends up getting sprayed with glyphosate at some point.
And, important to note, because glyphosate is absorbed by every cell of the plant, it can’t be rinsed off or removed. Plus, equally disturbing, some scientists believe that the effects of glyphosate can combine with other toxins to increase harm exponentially. For example, Dr. Seneff warns that glyphosate disrupts hormones, interferes with the metabolism of cholesterol, impairs the liver’s ability to detoxify the body and disturbs the vital balance of the gut microbiome.
To make matters worse, glyphosate causes red blood cells to maintain low levels of vitamin C – leading to atherosclerosis and heart disease. It also causes fatty liver disease by disrupting fructose metabolism, as well as disrupting sulfate synthesis.
By interfering with a specific pathway used by beneficial microorganisms in the intestinal tract, glyphosate can cause deficiencies in amino acids and affect the function of neurotransmitters. These can include serotonin, dopamine and melatonin – chemicals needed for stable mood and a better night’s sleep.
To learn more about the amazing work of Dr. Seneff and the details of her public safety warning over glyphosate – click here to sign up now for our free, NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, the NaturalHealth365 newsletter plus much more.
Dr. Seneff urges everyone to remove glyphosate from the diet and detoxify the body
When it comes to minimizing the harm from glyphosate, eating a certified organic diet is probably the most significant action you can take. (Merely being labeled “non-GMO” or “natural” is not enough. And, when dining out, look for “organic” and “grass-fed” options).
She also recommends a diet higher in cholesterol (compared to the very low recommendation of the American Heart Association), noting that if cholesterol is supplied naturally by food, the liver doesn’t have to produce as much of it. (This can actually lead to lower, not higher, serum levels of cholesterol, Dr. Seneff reports.)
Nutrient-rich foods such as wild-caught seafood and organic eggs are ideal for glyphosate detox, says Dr. Seneff. You should also strive to eat healthy amounts of probiotic foods – such as yogurt with live cultures, sauerkraut juice and other naturally-fermented foods.
Cruciferous vegetables – such as Brussels sprouts – can supply much-needed dietary sulfur, and bone broth made from grass-fed cows can help restore depleted minerals.
Another wise choice is to consume as many greens, herbs and spices as possible such as, onions, garlic, parsley, basil, cilantro and dandelion greens.
To assist with a glyphosate detox, an experienced integrative healthcare provider may also recommend sulfur-containing supplements, such as alpha-lipoic acid and MSN (methylsulfonymethane).
To get the whole truth about the dangers of glyphosate and how to properly detoxify the body of this unwanted substance – tune into the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour with Jonathan Landsman.
Discover the toxic truth about glyphosate and proper detoxification techniques – Sun. Mar. 11
This week’s guest: Stephanie Seneff, PhD, MIT senior research scientist and natural heath advocate
Stephanie Seneff, PhD, senior research scientist, author and speaker, conducts research at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). After receiving her Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from MIT, with a minor in Food and Nutrition, Dr. Seneff received her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer science – also from MIT.
Focusing her attention on the application of computer science to the analysis of biology research literature, Dr. Seneff has authored over two dozen peer-reviewed articles in influential scientific and medical journals. In 2012, she was elected Fellow of the International Speech and Communication Association.
Sources for this article include:
About the author: Jonathan Landsman is the host of, the NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show – and the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE, a monthly subscription to the brightest minds in natural health and healing.
Reaching hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, as a personal health consultant, writer and radio talk show host, Jonathan has been educating the public on the health benefits of an organic, non-GMO diet along with high-quality supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits, including exercise and meditation.